- Intertextuality and Denegation in Conrad's Earliest Short Story "The Black Mate" 1
- Intertextualizing Collective American Memory: Southern, African American and Native American Fiction 1
- In the World of Postselves and Posthumans: The Biopolitical Utopia of Postmortalism 1
- Intrigues et rivalité des peintres à la cour de Louis XIV dans les années 1684–86 1
- Introduction. Conrad Without Borders: Transcultural and Transtextual Perspectives 1
- Introduction of Al-Washliyah as Moral Strengthening in Early Childhood at Ra Al-Washliyah Indonesia 1
- In Vitro and In Silico Studies on Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br. Root Extract against Cancer Cells 1
- Inwentarz Archiwum Prowincji Polski Południowej Towarzystwa Jezusowego w Krakowie : rękopisy do 1820 roku 1
- I plurisecolari contatti del clero di Gniezno con l’Italia. Scelta di testimonianze librarie 1
- IRE1 Inhibitors as a Promising Therapeutic Strategy in Blood Malignancies 1
- Is Every Definition Persuasive?: Douglas Walton on Persuasiveness of Definition 1
- Is Obligatory Vaccination Against COVID-19 Acceptable from the Human Rights Perspective? 1
- Is saccade preparation required for inhibition of return (IOR)? 1
- Is the premotor theory of attention essentially about pre-reflective intentionality? 1
- Is The Stimulation of Moral Competence with KMDD® "Well-suited" for Our Brain? : a Perspective From Neuroethics 1
- Istnienie, człowiek, moralność : recenzja książki: W. Kmiecikowski, Istnienie, człowiek, moralność. Studia z dwudziestowiecznej filozofii polskiej, Oficyna Wydawnicza Fundacji Fuhrmanna, Chojnice 2017 1
- Istota i znaczenie Ćwiczeń duchowych św. Ignacego Loyoli dla rozwoju duchowego chrześcijanina 1
- Is Transhumanism the Solution to Euthanasia? 1
- "It is not you who must learn civilization from other nations…" : Adam Mickiewicz on modernity and modern Western civilization 1
- Jacek Woroniecki. 1
Displaying records 741-760 of 4749 in total