- Le christianisme en tant que réponse à la crise de la culture contemporaine. La pensée apocalyptique de René Girard 1
- Le circostanze del viaggio di Bona Sforza da Bari a Cracovia 1
- L’eco della Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù di Cracovia 2016 nelle riviste italiane : prospettiva giovanile 1
- L'educazione morale dei catecumeni. Considerazioni dal De Abraham di Ambrogio di Milano 1
- Legal Dispute Over the Constitutionality of Polish Regulations and Their Effects After the Amendmenet of the Provision on Reaching the Retirement Age by the Judges of the Polish Supreme Court 1
- "Legislative Veto" of Senate - The Controversial Element of the Legislative Procedure Under the Rules of the Constitution of Republic of Poland of 1921 1
- Leibniz’s Scientific Collaboration with Adam Kochański, S.J. 1
- Lekcje pokoju w czasie (po)wojennym, red. M. Paluch, Kraków 2022, s. 279 1
- Lektura immersyjna e-literatury 1
- Leon Borowski : wykładowca akademicki i nauczyciel poetów 1
- Leon Rogalski SJ – duszpasterz polskich emigrantów w listach z Australii 1
- Leontius of Byzantium and the Concept of "Enhypostaton" : A Critical Re-evaluation 1
- Le regard sartrien comme l'antichambre de l'enfer dans les relations interpersonnelles 1
- Le rôle de la honte dans la formation de la subjectivité humaine chez Jean-Paul Sartre et Emmanuel Lévinas 1
- Le rôle et la signification de l'idée cartésienne de l'infini dans la métaphysique de Levinas 1
- Les recherches sur le plurilinguisme en tant que défi pour la linguistique appliquée 1
- Lessons for Implementing Human Rights from COVID-19. How the Pandemic Has Changed the World 1
- Level of Covid-19-Related Threats and Stress in Students in the Context of Their Personality Traits: Support Expected and Help Received 1
- Le virtù dei ‘tenenti’ polonici, tra classicità e cristianità 1
- Le visite a Padova di Waleria Tarnowska 1
Displaying records 1021-1040 of 4750 in total