- Sny o potędze: Koncepcje i wątki imperialne w polskiej myśli politycznej pierwszej połowy XX wieku 1
- Sobre la posibilidad de una ética posthumana: propuesta de un enfoque normativo combinado. On the possibility of a posthuman ethics: A proposal of a combined normative approach 1
- Social and Emotional Competencies of Polish Pupils: Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version of the Social and Emotional Competencies Questionnaire (SEC–Q) 1
- Social Competences and Their Development in Culturally Diverse Teams – the Results of In-depth Group Interviews 1
- Social Competences and Their Development in Culturally Diverse Teams – the Results of In-depth Group Interviews 1
- Social Integration Clubs as a Form of Socialand Professional Activation of Socially Excluded People = Kluby integracji społecznej jako forma aktywizacji społecznej i zawodowej osób wykluczonych społecznie 1
- Social Security Law in Poland, Third edition 1
- Social Security Law in Poland. Fourth Edition 1
- Social Support as predictor of anxiety and depression in cancer caregivers six months after cancer diagnosis: a longitudinal study 1
- Sociodemographic and Psychological Variables and Concerns Related to COVID-19 Vaccination among Polish Citizens 1
- Socjalizacja w rodzinie i kultura konsumpcyjna = Socialization in the Family and Consumer Culture 1
- Socjologia a psychologia polityki 1
- Socjologia i psychologia polityki 1
- Soft Skills, Mentoring and Micro-Credentials: Strategies for the New Role of 21st Century Professors as a Bridge to the Professional Success of Their University Students 1
- Sokratejsko-platońska filozoficzna terapia religii. Zarys problematyki 1
- Solidarność w filozofii Józefa Tischnera i Richarda Rorty'ego. Studium analityczno-porównawcze 1
- Some Challenges for the Teaching Profession 1
- Some Remarks on Wittgenstein’s Interpretation of Freud’s Theory of Dreams 1
- Some Terrible Dream: Pole's Legacy to Harpsfield and Sander' 1
- Soul or Mind? : Some Remarks on Explanation in Cognitive Science 1
Viewed records 1981-2000 from 4798