- Correct human cardiac nomenclature 1
- Council of Europe overall strategy to fight against poverty 1
- COVID-19 and brain aging: what are the implications of immunosenescence? 1
- "Cóż z tego, że we śnie?" : dylematy religijne Tadeusza Różewicza 1
- Creativity as a means of shaping human subjectivity according to Wiesław Karolak 1
- Credibility and Creativity in Network Society 1
- Credibility as a Moral Virtue? 1
- Crisis of Parental Conflict: Impact on Children and Families 1
- Critical thinking as an educational objective in a global information society 1
- Critical Thinking – the Basic Competency for Leadership in the 21st century 1
- Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (BMDS-16) 1
- Cross-Cultural Competence of Students from Selected European Union Countries (Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy). Preliminary Assumptions of the Research Project 1
- Cross-cultural study of Problematic Internet Use in nine European countries 1
- Crossing Borders According Stanislaw Vincenz as a Source of Creativity 1
- Crowdsourcing as a Mean of Supporting Creativity in Business: An Introduction to International Research 1
- Crowdsourcing jako metoda budowania wiedzy: Wykorzystanie „mądrości tłumu” w projektach humanistycznych 1
- Crucial workforce skills necessary for efficient performance of multicultural teams in Industry 5.0. - the results of an in-depth group interview with managers from selected European countries 1
- Cultural and Religious Significance of the Cyrillo-Methodian Tradition in Central and Eastern Europe 1
- Cultural, Class, or Scientific Aspirations? Polish Jews at the University of Padua 1
- Cyborg – mariaż człowieka i technologii 1
Displaying records 241-260 of 4746 in total