- Evangelizing on YouTube – a Case Study of the Dominikanie Szczecin Channel in 2020 1
- Evantropia and the Law: Legal Issues in Biotechnology in the "Altered Carbon" Trilogy 1
- Everyone who works should be guaranteed decent working conditions 1
- Evolution of a Ruler's Role and Functions in the Forming Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Mid-13th to the Mid-14th Century 1
- Ewaluacja percepcji szkolnego zespołu psychoedukacyjnego w budowaniu zindywidualizowanego procesu kształcenia ucznia z ASD w oparciu o badania w działaniu 1
- Ewangelia inspiracją dla nauk o wychowaniu 1
- Experiencing Passion as an “essentia vitae” of Educational Biographies of Eminent Musicians From Cracow 1
- Experimental program of educating teachers for kindergartens and early childhood education at the Ignatianum Academy in Krakow 1
- Exploring the Prevalence and Awareness of Dyscalculia Among Grade 10 Learners: A Case Study 1
- Exploring the relationship between the body self and the sense of coherence in women after surgical treatment for breast cancer 1
- Exploring the verbal and nonverbal messages of children through Janusz Korczak's lens 1
- Exploring Workforce Skills in Industry 5.0 Amid Cultural Diversity 1
- Extensive pneumatisation of the sphenoid bone - anatomical investigation of the recesses of the sphenoid sinuses and their clinical importance 1
- Eye-tracking in Cultural Studies 1
- Facebook źródłem doświadczeń, inspiracji i rozwoju nauczycieli z grupy "Nauczyciele wczesnoszkolni" 1
- Faces of security. Radicalization of prisoners as a challenge for the future of security of the Polish penitentiary institutions 1
- Facing Emotional Vocalizations and Instrumental Sounds: Sighted and Blind Individuals Spontaneously and Selectively Activate Facial Muscles in Response to Emotional Stimuli 1
- Factor Structure of the Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale in a Polish-Christian Sample 1
- Factors influencing health-related quality-of-life in Polish colorectal cancer patients without liver metastases 1
Viewed records 561-580 from 4798