- Wdrażanie studentów pedagogiki do studiowania i pracy zawodowej : Barbara Klasińska, Warsztat pracy oraz nauki studentów pedagogiki, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, Kielce 2017, ss. 254 1
- Weryfikacja sylabusów przez komisję - instrukcja KatStud 1
- Westbindung czy Zentralmacht? - polityka zagraniczna współczesnych Niemiec w perspektywie konstruktywistycznej 1
- What “a smile of fortune” has to hide: an Intertextual and comparative reconsideration of the texture and theme of conrad’s tale 1
- What Do Teachers Know About Student Burnout Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic? 1
- What do we gain from self-love? Hildebrand versus Frankfurt 1
- What does it actually mean that Premotor Theory is about embodied attention? 1
- What Morality and Religion have in Common with Health? Pedagogy of Religion in the Formation of Moral Competence 1
- What to Play and How to Play in the 21st Century? Diagnoses and Prescriptions in Contemporary Polish Children’s Literature 1
- What we would like to know and what we prefer not to know : contribution to the value of personal knowledge and ignorance 1
- When Meaning Becomes Controversial. Critical Questions for Assessing Semantic Arguments 1
- When Worlds Collapse: Dystopian Space as a Metaphor of Ageing 1
- Which Media do Polish Teachers Use to Support Sustainable Development among Students? : Analysis of Research 1
- Which psychology(ies) serves us best? Research perspectives on the psycho-cultural interface in the psychology of religion(s) 1
- Who lies to protect another? Motivational, behavioral, and socio-cognitive predictors of children’s interventional deception 1
- Why is it worth it? : why should we return to the issues of sources and approaches in pedagogy? : DLACZEGO WARTO? DLACZEGO NALEŻY WRACAĆ DO KWESTII ŹRÓDEŁ I PODEJŚĆ W PEDAGOGICE? 1
- Why we stayed: Polish Jews' reasons for remaining in Poland during two waves of postwar emigration 1
- Wiedza kadry pedagogicznej młodzieżowych ośrodków wychowawczych w zakresie uzależnień nieletnich 1
- Wiedza rodziców o wychowaniu swoich dzieci 1
- Wielki słownik parlamentarny, red. Jarosław Szymanek 1
Viewed records 3661-3680 from 4798