Cechy psychopatyczne, samoocena i impulsywność a typy agresji u nieletnich
- Title: Cechy psychopatyczne, samoocena i impulsywność a typy agresji u nieletnich
- Author:
- 0000-0002-2982-5124
- Wydawca: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Year: 2021
- Miejsce wydania: Kraków
- URL: https://wydawnictwo.ignatianum.edu.pl/cechy-psychopatyczne-samoocena-i-impulsywnosc-typy-agresji-u-nieletnich.htm
- ISBN: 978-83-7614-509-9
- Abstract in English: The issue of the early predictors for psychopathic personality disorder is a significant field in the contemporary research on psychopathy. Research on psychopathic traits occurring in the childhood and the adolescence are embedded in developmental psychopathology approach as well as three-factors models of psychopathy. However, some researchers and clinicians underline controversies and limitations related with handling the term of “psychopathy” in reference to underaged individuals. Regardless of many dilemmas around the diagnosis of early psychopathy, psychopathic traits in youth are considered useful in prediction of violence risk and aggressive behaviors in this group. Presented study is focused on the relationship between psychopathic traits and juveniles’ aggression taking into account self-esteem and impulsiveness as covariates. As a theoretical background for these research, triarchic model of psychopathy was used. According to this approach structure of psychopathy consists of a configuration of boldness, meanness and disinhibition. Triarchic model of psychopathy fits in the leading developmental perspectiveiin research on psychopathic personality, which also distinguishes three types of psychopathic symptoms in youth. Moreover, the triarchic model revealed the complexity and multidimensional nature of the relationship between psychopathy and other examined variables. The group of 60 juvenile boys from youth educational centers were taking part in the study. The following self-report measures were used: Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM-41, Polish version), Youth Aggressiveness – Emotional Reactivity Questionnaire, Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory, and Impulsiveness Questionnaire – Impulsiveness, Venturesomeness, Empathy. Obtained results confirm the hypothesis about relationships between intensity of psychopathic traits and various types of aggression in socially maladjusted youth. Additionally, it was shown that the level of participants’
- Language: polski
- Structure:
- Wydział Filozoficzny
- Instytut Psychologii
- Dyscyplina: psychologia
- 002 a Cechy psychopatyczne, samoocena i impulsywność a typy agresji u nieletnich
- 003 e 0000-0002-2982-5124
- 004 a Monografia naukowa
- 005 a 2021
- 006 c Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- 007 a 978-83-7614-509-9
- 011 a https://wydawnictwo.ignatianum.edu.pl/cechy-psychopatyczne-samoocena-i-impulsywnosc-typy-agresji-u-nieletnich.htm
- 016 a Kraków
- 017 a 138
- 018 a polski
- 022 a The issue of the early predictors for psychopathic personality disorder is a significant field in the contemporary research on psychopathy. Research on psychopathic traits occurring in the childhood and the adolescence are embedded in developmental psychopathology approach as well as three-factors models of psychopathy. However, some researchers and clinicians underline controversies and limitations related with handling the term of “psychopathy” in reference to underaged individuals. Regardless of many dilemmas around the diagnosis of early psychopathy, psychopathic traits in youth are considered useful in prediction of violence risk and aggressive behaviors in this group. Presented study is focused on the relationship between psychopathic traits and juveniles’ aggression taking into account self-esteem and impulsiveness as covariates. As a theoretical background for these research, triarchic model of psychopathy was used. According to this approach structure of psychopathy consists of a configuration of boldness, meanness and disinhibition. Triarchic model of psychopathy fits in the leading developmental perspectiveiin research on psychopathic personality, which also distinguishes three types of psychopathic symptoms in youth. Moreover, the triarchic model revealed the complexity and multidimensional nature of the relationship between psychopathy and other examined variables. The group of 60 juvenile boys from youth educational centers were taking part in the study. The following self-report measures were used: Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM-41, Polish version), Youth Aggressiveness – Emotional Reactivity Questionnaire, Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory, and Impulsiveness Questionnaire – Impulsiveness, Venturesomeness, Empathy. Obtained results confirm the hypothesis about relationships between intensity of psychopathic traits and various types of aggression in socially maladjusted youth. Additionally, it was shown that the level of participants’
- 024 a language commodification
- 024 a language policy
- 024 a politics of language
- 024 a Russian language
- 024 a sociolinguistics
- 025 a Cechy psychopatyczne, samoocena i impulsywność a typy agresji u nieletnich
- 336 a Monografia naukowa
- 985 a Wydział Filozoficzny
- 985 b Instytut Psychologii
- 999 a psychologia
Dublin Core
- Title: Cechy psychopatyczne, samoocena i impulsywność a typy agresji u nieletnich
- Publisher: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Date: 2021
- Discipline: psychologia
- Słowa kluczowe w j. angielskim:
- Category: Monografia naukowa
- Language: Cechy psychopatyczne, samoocena i impulsywność a typy agresji u nieletnich
- URL: https://wydawnictwo.ignatianum.edu.pl/cechy-psychopatyczne-samoocena-i-impulsywnosc-typy-agresji-u-nieletnich.htm