W kręgu dyskursów biblijnych : różne wymiary identyfikacji - analiza w ujęciu kulturowym i edukacyjnym
- Title: W kręgu dyskursów biblijnych : różne wymiary identyfikacji - analiza w ujęciu kulturowym i edukacyjnym
- Author:
- Andrzej Mrozek (Autor)
- 0000-0002-4954-3634
- Marek Baraniak (Autor)
- Wydawca: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Year: 2018
- Miejsce wydania: Kraków
- URL: https://wydawnictwo.ignatianum.edu.pl/w-kregu-dyskursow-biblijnych.htm
- ISBN: 978-83-7614-382-8
- Abstract in English: In the circle of biblical discourses. Different dimensions of identification in terms of culture and education The specific ancient processes of shaping the biblical message (oral and written tradition) have caused many biblical texts to have discursive features. The discursive character comes to the fore to a different degree in the texts. It shows that theological studies and commentaries, synthesizing the presented content, do not exhaust the possible types of analysis and interpretation of the text. The introduction to the monograph explains what are the sources of biblical discourses and how they are expressed in texts. It also specifies methodological foundations and assumptions for discursive analyses of biblical (and peribiblical) texts. Biblical discourses are often the expression of processes of building a specific identity, and most of them take up selected aspects, especially cultural and religious ones. These aspects of biblical discourses and their educational dimension are the subject of special attention of the authors of the monograph. The purpose of this monograph is to present selected books and selected biblical and peribiblical texts, through the use of various techniques of discursive analysis and through designating the discourses contained in the studied texts. Analyses undertaken in particular parts of the monograph have different character. What they share is the approach that makes it possible to discover diversity and polyphony in the presented contents. The monograph consists of three main parts. Book of Jonah as an Ancient Discourse on the Mercy of God and Enemies of the Fatherland – Text Analysis in a Cultural and Educational Perspective The Book of Jonah does not present a trivial critique of a fearful prophet who is afraid of a mission in the great Nineveh, but it presents a discursively shaped dispute about mercy provided to strangers and the timeliness of prophetic oracles against the enemies of Israel. The study attempts to analyze and interpret the discourse in the Book of Jonah. The biblical discourse has been exposed in a dual perspective, socio-cultural and educational. The Book of Jonah not only contains a presentation of discourse, but also a testimony of such discourse undertaken in the Judean community a few centuries before Christ. It is a modeling discourse that plays an important role in the process of shaping the collective identity. It also leads to an in-depth reflection on the complex motives of attitudes towards others and serves Part II. Song of Songs in the Targumic Discourse The history of the interpretation of the Song of Songs shows that it was not until Christian times that its full allegorical interpretation in Jewish literature was revealed, but there is no evidence proving clearly its presence in the earlier formation of the canon of the Hebrew Bible. If, however, during editing of Talmuds, midrashes and targumim, rabbinic exegesis had already widely interpreted in the book the history of God’s unchanging love for Israel, it is likely that such allegorising was the original and earliest method of interpretation of the Song of Songs. The texts included in the canon were evaluated based on specific criteria and interpretation assigned to them. In the case of the Song of Songs it might be an allegory from the outset, which was crucial in maintaining the orthodox position of this interpretation in the Jewish (God and Israel) as well as in the Christian (Jesus and the Church)
- Keywords:
- alegoria
- dyskurs biblijny
- dyskurs targumiczny
- dyskurs tożsamościowy
- ewangelie synoptyczne
- intertekstualność
- Księga Jonasza
- miłosierdzie
- nacjonalizm
- Pieśń nad Pieśniami
- retografia
- retologia
- Targum
- targumizm
- topos
- uzdrowiciel
- uzdrowienia
- Language: polski
- Structure:
- Wydział Pedagogiczny
- Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu
- Dyscyplina: pedagogika
- 002 a W kręgu dyskursów biblijnych : różne wymiary identyfikacji - analiza w ujęciu kulturowym i edukacyjnym
- 003 a Andrzej Mrozek (Autor)
- 003 a RENATA JASNOS (Autor)
- 003 e 0000-0002-4954-3634
- 003 a Marek Baraniak (Autor)
- 004 a Monografia naukowa
- 005 a 2018
- 006 c Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- 007 a 978-83-7614-382-8
- 011 a https://wydawnictwo.ignatianum.edu.pl/w-kregu-dyskursow-biblijnych.htm
- 012 a Cultura, Spiritualis, Educatio
- 013 a 2
- 016 a Kraków
- 017 a 159
- 018 a polski
- 022 a In the circle of biblical discourses. Different dimensions of identification in terms of culture and education The specific ancient processes of shaping the biblical message (oral and written tradition) have caused many biblical texts to have discursive features. The discursive character comes to the fore to a different degree in the texts. It shows that theological studies and commentaries, synthesizing the presented content, do not exhaust the possible types of analysis and interpretation of the text. The introduction to the monograph explains what are the sources of biblical discourses and how they are expressed in texts. It also specifies methodological foundations and assumptions for discursive analyses of biblical (and peribiblical) texts. Biblical discourses are often the expression of processes of building a specific identity, and most of them take up selected aspects, especially cultural and religious ones. These aspects of biblical discourses and their educational dimension are the subject of special attention of the authors of the monograph. The purpose of this monograph is to present selected books and selected biblical and peribiblical texts, through the use of various techniques of discursive analysis and through designating the discourses contained in the studied texts. Analyses undertaken in particular parts of the monograph have different character. What they share is the approach that makes it possible to discover diversity and polyphony in the presented contents. The monograph consists of three main parts. Book of Jonah as an Ancient Discourse on the Mercy of God and Enemies of the Fatherland – Text Analysis in a Cultural and Educational Perspective The Book of Jonah does not present a trivial critique of a fearful prophet who is afraid of a mission in the great Nineveh, but it presents a discursively shaped dispute about mercy provided to strangers and the timeliness of prophetic oracles against the enemies of Israel. The study attempts to analyze and interpret the discourse in the Book of Jonah. The biblical discourse has been exposed in a dual perspective, socio-cultural and educational. The Book of Jonah not only contains a presentation of discourse, but also a testimony of such discourse undertaken in the Judean community a few centuries before Christ. It is a modeling discourse that plays an important role in the process of shaping the collective identity. It also leads to an in-depth reflection on the complex motives of attitudes towards others and serves Part II. Song of Songs in the Targumic Discourse The history of the interpretation of the Song of Songs shows that it was not until Christian times that its full allegorical interpretation in Jewish literature was revealed, but there is no evidence proving clearly its presence in the earlier formation of the canon of the Hebrew Bible. If, however, during editing of Talmuds, midrashes and targumim, rabbinic exegesis had already widely interpreted in the book the history of God’s unchanging love for Israel, it is likely that such allegorising was the original and earliest method of interpretation of the Song of Songs. The texts included in the canon were evaluated based on specific criteria and interpretation assigned to them. In the case of the Song of Songs it might be an allegory from the outset, which was crucial in maintaining the orthodox position of this interpretation in the Jewish (God and Israel) as well as in the Christian (Jesus and the Church)
- 023 a alegoria
- 023 a dyskurs biblijny
- 023 a dyskurs targumiczny
- 023 a dyskurs tożsamościowy
- 023 a ewangelie synoptyczne
- 023 a intertekstualność
- 023 a Księga Jonasza
- 023 a miłosierdzie
- 023 a nacjonalizm
- 023 a Pieśń nad Pieśniami
- 023 a retografia
- 023 a retologia
- 023 a Targum
- 023 a targumizm
- 023 a topos
- 023 a uzdrowiciel
- 023 a uzdrowienia
- 025 a W kręgu dyskursów biblijnych : różne wymiary identyfikacji - analiza w ujęciu kulturowym i edukacyjnym
- 336 a Monografia naukowa
- 985 a Wydział Pedagogiczny
- 985 b Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu
- 999 a pedagogika
Dublin Core
- Title: W kręgu dyskursów biblijnych : różne wymiary identyfikacji - analiza w ujęciu kulturowym i edukacyjnym
- Author:
- Publisher: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Date: 2018
- Discipline: pedagogika
- Keywords in Polish:
- Category: Monografia naukowa
- Language: W kręgu dyskursów biblijnych : różne wymiary identyfikacji - analiza w ujęciu kulturowym i edukacyjnym
- URL: https://wydawnictwo.ignatianum.edu.pl/w-kregu-dyskursow-biblijnych.htm
w-kregu-dyskursow-biblijnych_online.pdf (1.54 MB)
- Licence: Repository License
- Text version: Final published
- Availability: Public