Humor lwowski w Czarnohorze, czyli: Lato spokojnych wariatów. Lipiec–sierpień 1937
- Tytuł: Humor lwowski w Czarnohorze, czyli: Lato spokojnych wariatów. Lipiec–sierpień 1937
- Autor/Autorzy: KRZYSZTOF DUDA (Autor)
- Nazwa czasopisma: Textus et Studia
- Rok: 2023
- Tom: 35
- Numer: 3
- ISSN: 2300-3839
- DOI:
- Adres www::
- Strony od-do: 193-229
- Abstrakt: The aim of the article is to introduce the humour of the Lviv intellectual milieu of the interwar period. The contribution is based on source material in the form of a preserved journal of the expedition to the Chornohora in 1937. The paper sheds some light on the main issues related to the notion of a sense of humour in human culture and then edits the source material. The material made it possible to identify one of the participants of the expedition, Stanisław Hubert (1905–1983), a Polish professor of law. The journey to the Eastern Carpathians was an expedition that took place shortly after he obtained his habilitation degree at the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv. The humour presented in the journal is of an intelligent and affiliative nature referring to the experienced unexpected situations that took place during the expedition. It can be hypothesised that this is a type of surrealist humour that had its origins in the 1920s and is still present in the culture today.
- Słowa kluczowe:
- humor
- Karpaty Wschodnie
- Lwów
- pamiętniki
- Paryż
- śmiech
- Stanisław Hubert
- Dyscyplina: nauki o kulturze i religii
- 002 a Humor lwowski w Czarnohorze, czyli: Lato spokojnych wariatów. Lipiec–sierpień 1937
- 003 b 0000-0002-9810-2253
- 003 a KRZYSZTOF DUDA (Autor)
- 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
- 006 a Textus et Studia
- 008 a 2023
- 009 a 35
- 010 a 3
- 011 a 2300-3839
- 013 a
- 014 a
- 015 a 193-229
- 020 a The aim of the article is to introduce the humour of the Lviv intellectual milieu of the interwar period. The contribution is based on source material in the form of a preserved journal of the expedition to the Chornohora in 1937. The paper sheds some light on the main issues related to the notion of a sense of humour in human culture and then edits the source material. The material made it possible to identify one of the participants of the expedition, Stanisław Hubert (1905–1983), a Polish professor of law. The journey to the Eastern Carpathians was an expedition that took place shortly after he obtained his habilitation degree at the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv. The humour presented in the journal is of an intelligent and affiliative nature referring to the experienced unexpected situations that took place during the expedition. It can be hypothesised that this is a type of surrealist humour that had its origins in the 1920s and is still present in the culture today.
- 021 a humor
- 021 a Karpaty Wschodnie
- 021 a Lwów
- 021 a pamiętniki
- 021 a Paryż
- 021 a śmiech
- 021 a Stanisław Hubert
- 022 a Eastern Carpathians
- 022 a humour
- 022 a journal
- 022 a laughter
- 022 a Lviv
- 022 a Paris
- 022 a Stanisław Hubert
- 966 a nauki o kulturze i religii
- 985 a Wydział Filozoficzny
- 985 b Instytut Kulturoznawstwa i Dziennikarstwa
Dublin Core
- Title: Humor lwowski w Czarnohorze, czyli: Lato spokojnych wariatów. Lipiec–sierpień 1937
- Author: KRZYSZTOF DUDA (Autor)
- Journal: Textus et Studia
- Date: 2023
- Discipline: nauki o kulturze i religii
- Słowa kluczowe w j. angielskim:
- Keywords in Polish:
- Structure: