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No thumbnailPerspektywy i ograniczenia systemu zatrudnienia osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznymEWA JAGLARZ (Autor)Article2022
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Uchodźczynie syryjskie w Turcji : specyfika radzenia sobie z sytuacją przymusowej migracjiHALINA GRZYMAŁA-MOSZCZYŃSKA (Autor); Maria Kanal (Autor)Article2019
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Komiks jako sposób radzenia sobie z traumą uchodźcząHALINA GRZYMAŁA-MOSZCZYŃSKA (Autor); Małgorzata Różańska-Mglej (Autor)Article2019
No thumbnailResearch on forced migration from the perspective of the psychology of religion: Opportunities and challengesHALINA GRZYMAŁA-MOSZCZYŃSKA (Autor); Maria Kanal (Autor)Article2019
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Returning Children Migrants : Main Challenges in School EnvironmentHALINA GRZYMAŁA-MOSZCZYŃSKA (Autor); Joanna Durlik (Autor); Paulina Szydłowska (Autor)Article2019
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Challenges for the Mental Health of Refugee Artists:Perspectives of the ADAPT Model.HALINA GRZYMAŁA-MOSZCZYŃSKA (Autor); Małgorzata Różańska-Mglej (Autor)Article2023
No thumbnailFeelings of detachment during rescue incidents: Qualitative analysis of depersonalisation and derealisation in paramedicsIgor Pietkiewicz (Autor); Radosław Tomalski (Autor); Roksana Duszkiewicz (Autor)Article2023
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Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (BMDS-16)Igor Pietkiewicz (Autor)Article2023
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Wspólne wychowanie po rozwodzie jako wyzwanie współczesnościIRMINA ROSTEK (Autor); KAMIL JEZIERSKI (Autor)Article2019
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Beta Neurofeedback Training Improves Attentional Control in the ElderlyJACEK BIELAS (Autor); ŁUKASZ MICHALCZYK (Autor)Article2021
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Inhibition of Return (IOR): Is it Consciousness of an Object without Attention or Attention without an Object and Consciousness?JACEK BIELAS (Autor)Article2021
No thumbnailThe View from Within the Brain : Does Neurofeedback Close the Gap?JACEK BIELAS (Autor); ŁUKASZ MICHALCZYK (Autor)Article2017
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The gap effect reduces both manual and saccadic inhibition of return (IOR)JACEK BIELAS (Autor); ŁUKASZ MICHALCZYK (Autor)Article2019
No thumbnailIs saccade preparation required for inhibition of return (IOR)?JACEK BIELAS (Autor); Jakub Paszulewicz (Autor); ŁUKASZ MICHALCZYK (Autor); Piotr Wolski (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailIs the premotor theory of attention essentially about pre-reflective intentionality?JACEK BIELAS (Autor); ŁUKASZ MICHALCZYK (Autor)Article2019
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Psychologia różnicowa w poszukiwaniu ἀρχήJACEK BIELAS (Autor)Article2023
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Factor Structure of the Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale in a Polish-Christian SampleJacek Prusak (Autor); Jakub Wasiewicz (Autor); Łukasz Krzywoszański (Autor)Article2022
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The Experience and Correlates of God’s Silence among ChristiansJacek Prusak (Autor); Jakub Wasiewicz (Autor)Article2021
No thumbnailParaphilias among Roman Catholic priests: what we know, and do not know, about sexual clergy-abusers of minorsJacek Prusak (Autor)Article2020
No thumbnailSpiritual dryness among people with different levels of religious commitment. Polish adaptation of the spiritual dryness scale: psychometric properties and measurement invarianceJACEK PRUSAK (Autor); Jakub Wasiewicz (Autor); Wiktor Potoczny (Autor)Article2023
240 records found