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144 records found
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Supportive Delegated and Common Dyadic Coping Mediates the Association between Adult Attachment Representation and Relationship Satisfaction A Dyadic ApproachAnna Wendołowska (Autor); Dorota Czyżowska (Autor); MAŁGORZATA STEĆ (Autor)Article2022
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The Relationship Between Meaning in Life Life Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction with Religious Experience in the Life of Polish NursesSTANISŁAW GŁAZ (Autor)Article2022
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Religious Experience as a Predictor of the Meaning in Life and Life Satisfaction in the Lives of Polish Women after a StillbirthSTANISŁAW GŁAZ (Autor)Article2022
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Relationship of Personality Traits and Hope With Job Satisfaction in the Life of Polish Artists and PedagoguesSTANISŁAW GŁAZ (Autor)Article2022
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Competences of a confessor in accompanying a penitent with obsessive-compulsive disorders related to the sacrament of penanseJERZY SMOLEŃ (Autor)Article2022
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The impact of face masks on acne-prone skin in Polish young adults during COVID-19 pandemicADAM ANCZYK (Autor); Bartosz Miziołek (Autor); Beata Bergler-Czop (Autor); Karina Polak (Autor); Maja Woźniakowska (Autor); Michał Raczyński (Autor); Stanisław Anczyk (Autor); Stępień Maciej (Autor)Article2022
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Rola psychologa w procesie resocjalizacji osób nieletnich w świetle badań własnychSYLWIA PRZEWOŹNIK (Autor); Waldemar Filipek (Autor)Article2022
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Ways of experiencing atheism: changes in both personality organization and God image in the course of psychodynamically oriented individual psychotherapy for a patient with an initial diagnosis of paranoid personality disorderAGNIESZKA KRZYSZTOF-ŚWIDERSKA (Autor); Krzysztof Krzysztof (Autor); Krzysztof Tokarz (Autor)Article2022
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Osobowość typu borderline w ICD-11 i DSM-5 – relacyjna natura kryteriów zaburzeniaAGNIESZKA KRZYSZTOF-ŚWIDERSKA (Autor); Dominika Małek (Autor)Article2022
No thumbnailOsoba w trudnej sytuacji emocjonalnej (w kryzysie) jako dorosła bezbronnaJACEK PRUSAK (Autor)chapter in monograph2022
No thumbnailConversion, deconversion, transgression: the "Satanic Adventure" and other stories from the life of the Archdruid Isaac Bonewits (1949-2010)ADAM ANCZYK (Autor)Article2022
No thumbnailPerspektywy i ograniczenia systemu zatrudnienia osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznymEWA JAGLARZ (Autor)Article2022
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Wybrane aspekty religijności u osób z niepełnosprawnością ruchowąAgnieszka Popiel (Autor); EWA JAGLARZ (Autor)Article2023
No thumbnailSpiritual dryness among people with different levels of religious commitment. Polish adaptation of the spiritual dryness scale: psychometric properties and measurement invarianceJACEK PRUSAK (Autor); Jakub Wasiewicz (Autor); Wiktor Potoczny (Autor)Article2023
No thumbnailSiła i kruchość badacza: rozważania metodologiczneHALINA GRZYMAŁA-MOSZCZYŃSKA (Autor)chapter in monograph2023
No thumbnailUwaga - co to jest?JACEK BIELAS (Autor)chapter in monograph2023
No thumbnailFeelings of detachment during rescue incidents: Qualitative analysis of depersonalisation and derealisation in paramedicsIgor Pietkiewicz (Autor); Radosław Tomalski (Autor); Roksana Duszkiewicz (Autor)Article2023
No thumbnailQuest (re) modeled: The Questionnaire of Religious Insight a new tool for analyzing religious insights, and its empirical verificationAGNIESZKA KRZYSZTOF-ŚWIDERSKA (Autor); Krzysztof Krzysztof (Autor); Paweł Socha (Autor)Article2023
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The Influence of Religiosity and Spirituality on the Quality of Life of Patients With Multiple MyelomaArtur Jurczyszyn (Autor); JACEK PRUSAK (Autor); Jakub Wasiewicz (Autor); Marlena Leśniak (Autor); Weronika Lebowa (Autor)Article2023
No thumbnailFixation offset decreases pupillary inhibition of returnŁUKASZ MICHALCZYK (Autor)Article2023
144 records found