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Patriarchy and the (late) Victorian Middle-Class Family ReconsideredSYLWIA WOJCIECHOWSKA (Autor)Article2019
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Recenzja książki Moniki Malessy-Drohomireckiej pt. Konwencje, stereotypy, złudzenia. Relacje kobiet i mężczyzn w prozie Josepha Conrada (Universitas, Kraków 2017, str. 334)GRAŻYNA BRANNY (Autor)Article2019
No thumbnailRecenzja: Posthumanist Readings in Dystopian Young Adult Fiction: Negotiating the Nature/Culture Divide: Jennifer Harrison. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books, 2019. 138 pages. (hardback).ANNA BUGAJSKA (Autor)Article2019
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Getting Married in Late Medieval England and PolandDOMINIKA RUSZKIEWICZ (Autor)Article2019
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Inny możliwy debiut książkowy Leopolda Staffa na podstawie analizy rękopisów „Snów o potędze”KRYSTYNA ZABAWA (Autor)Article2019
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"Cast Forth in the Common Air"? Piotr Kamiński’s Translation of Mowbray’s Speech in Richard IIALEKSANDRA KAMIŃSKA (Autor)Article2018
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"The Secret Agent" : A Far from Simple TaleGerard Kilroy (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnail"To teach, to delight, and to change" : Didactic Narration in "The Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry"DOMINIKA RUSZKIEWICZ (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailFailed Attempt : the Foreign Country of Adolescence in "The Go-Between" by L. P. HartleySYLWIA WOJCIECHOWSKA (Autor)Article2018
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Tomorrow’s Kin : Intergenerational Solidarity after The GenomeANNA BUGAJSKA (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailG. W. Stephen Brodsky. Joseph Conrad's Polish Soul : Realms of Memory and Self, edited and with an introduction by George Z. Gasyna. Vol. 25 of Conrad : Eastern and Western Perspectives, edited by Wieslaw Krajka (Lublin. Poland: Maria Curie- Sklodowska University Press. 2016)GRAŻYNA BRANNY (Autor)Article2018
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How Much Conrad in Conrad Criticism?: Conrad’s Artistry, Ideological Mediatization and Identity: A Commemorative Address on the 160th Anniversary of the Writer’s BirthGRAŻYNA BRANNY (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailJak to w Krempachach z Orłem byłoGRAŻYNA BRANNY (Autor)Article2018
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W oczach (Wschodu i) Zachodu, czyli Conrad jako Retingerowskie uosobienie Polaka-Europejczyka Rec.: Polskość i europejskość w Josepha Conrada wizjach historii, polityki i etyki. Redakcja naukowa: Wiesław Krajka. Lublin 2013. „Joseph Conrad a Polska, Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia i Świat”. T. 2GRAŻYNA BRANNY (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailA Dissolution of Borderlines in Toni Morrison’s God Help the ChildGRAŻYNA BRANNY (Autor)Article2017
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Amoenus versus horridus : "W kleszczach lęku" w świetle konwencji sielankowejSYLWIA WOJCIECHOWSKA (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailDemythologizing the South : Cormac McCarthy’s Suttree in an Intertextual PerspectiveGRAŻYNA BRANNY (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailНеаооценената художественост : Изопаченият КонрадGRAŻYNA BRANNY (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnail"Czytaj, moje dziecię" : literatura dla dzieci w średniowiecznej AngliiDOMINIKA RUSZKIEWICZ (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnail(Re)Visions of the Pastoral in Selected British and American post-Romantic FictionSYLWIA WOJCIECHOWSKA (Autor)Monographs2017
140 records found