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The Motif of the Angel(s) of Death in Islamic Foundational Sources as an Element of Cultural DiffusionAndrzej Mrozek (Autor); BOŻENA PROCHWICZ-STUDNICKA (Autor)Article2021
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The formation and the development of the Arabic script from the earliest times until its standardisationBOŻENA PROCHWICZ-STUDNICKA (Autor)Article2019
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Literary Representation of the Self in Medieval Arabic Autobiographies and the Cultural Barriers to Self‑Cognition: The Literacy Theory Perspective. Part IBOŻENA PROCHWICZ-STUDNICKA (Autor)Article2020
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Literary Representation of the Self in Medieval Arabic Autobiographies and the Cultural Barriers to Self-Cognition: The Literacy Theory Perspective. Part IIBOŻENA PROCHWICZ-STUDNICKA (Autor)Article2020
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The Motif of the Angel(s) of Death in Islamic Foundational SourcesAndrzej Mrozek (Autor); BOŻENA PROCHWICZ-STUDNICKA (Autor)Article2020
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The accuracy of the literacy theory claims in the context of the medieval Arab-Muslim culture. Development of qadiship as an implication of the dissemination of writing and literacyBOŻENA PROCHWICZ-STUDNICKA (Autor)Article2020
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Wokół teorii Johna R. Skoylesa. Rozważania na temat uprzywilejowania prawej półkuli w procesie czytania na wczesnym etapie rozwoju pisma – przykład pisma arabskiegoBOŻENA PROCHWICZ-STUDNICKA (Autor)Article2022
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Strój współczesnych muzułmanek w świetle cyberporad prawnychBOŻENA PROCHWICZ-STUDNICKA (Autor)Article2023
8 records found