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Porozwodowe porozumienia rodzicielskie – analiza prawnoporównawczaMARTA PRUCNAL-WÓJCIK (Autor)Article2021
No thumbnailAdoption of a child by homosexuals in light of the best interests of the child principle in accordance with its understanding in Polish family law : subjective interpretation of the authorMARTA PRUCNAL-WÓJCIK (Autor)Article2017
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State Interference With the Scope of Parental Responsibilities - Comparative Legal AnalysisMARTA PRUCNAL-WÓJCIK (Autor)Article2023
No thumbnailNorwegiaMARTA PRUCNAL-WÓJCIK (Autor)chapter in monograph2023
No thumbnailSzwecjaMARTA PRUCNAL-WÓJCIK (Autor)chapter in monograph2023
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The Childs Right to Co- and Self-determination: A Comparative Legal AnalysisHelen Beckmann-Hamzei (Autor); MARTA PRUCNAL-WÓJCIK (Autor); Münevver Dal (Autor)Article2022
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Religious Education of the Child as Part of Parental Duties – Comparative Legal Analysis of National Reports Submitted to the Commission on European Family LawMARTA PRUCNAL-WÓJCIK (Autor)Article2024
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