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Veritative Ontology: Reinterpreting Ancient Greek PhilosophyPIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2022
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The Shepherd-King Metaphor in the Light of Interdisciplinary ResearchPIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2024
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The Problem of the Status of Harmony in Pythagorean PhilosophyPIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2019
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The Marriage from the Perspective of Political PhilosophyPIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2019
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The Allegory of the Cave and Plato’s Epistemology of PoliticsPIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2019
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Szlachta B. (Red.) (2022). Wielokulturowość. Seria „Słowniki Społeczne”. W. Pasierbek, & B. Szlachta (Red.). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Ignatianum [recenzja]PIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2023
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Recenzja książki Radosława Sztybera "Skądże to zbłaźnienie świata?"PIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2021
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Gilgamesh, Political Power, and Human NaturePIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2019
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Between Realism and Nominalism. Gombrowicz and the Debate on Polish and European Archetypes of Political CulturePIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2019
9 records found