- Ciało naznaczone biograficznie -ślady, świadectwa i transgresje 1
- Cielesność i tożsamość podmiotu 1
- Cisza i milczenie we współczesnym świecie. Wybrane teoretyczne aspekty 1
- Climate Education in Kindergarten 1
- Cnota umiarkowania w wychowaniu rodzinnym. Współczesny kontekst poglądów pedagogicznych Jacka Woronieckiego. 1
- Cognitive functions and neurotropic factors associated with aging : a review 1
- Commentary piece : Sociocultural characteristics of Montenegrins - the negative message in positive jokes 1
- Cómo se construyen las versiones de la memoria en estos tiempos : el ejemplo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial 1
- Comparison of Patient-Reported Outcome Measurements and Objective Measurements after Cubital Tunnel Decompression 1
- Comparison of Stress Levels and Factors Inducing It Between Polish Medical and Dental Students in the Pre-Clinical Years of Their Training 1
- Comparison of the Professional Competencies of Students Preparing for the Profession of Preschool and Primary School Teachers Under Different Forms of Study 1
- Competences of a confessor in accompanying a penitent with obsessive-compulsive disorders related to the sacrament of penanse 1
- Competnencies of Contemporary Managers in The Public Administration Sector in Intercultural Management: Introduction To Research 1
- Concept of Psychopathic Positive-Adjustment Traits A Brief Review of Theory and Research 1
- Conceptions of mind in young learners with ADHD syndrome. Phenomenographic perspective 1
- Confused or Deliberative: Narratives About the Birth of Islam in Polish History Textbooks 1
- Connective Learning as Teachers Approach to Ones Own Professional Development The Case of Poland 1
- Conrad Without Borders: Transcultural and Transtextual Perspectives 1
- Conradowskie Zwierciadło morza, czyli glosa do nowoczesności 1
- Constitutional Review in Central and Eastern Europe Judicial-Legislative Relations in Comparative Perspective 1
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