- Contemporary Educational Space for University Students and Young People with Intellectual Disabilities: Integration Through Social Interaction 1
- Contemporary Leadership in the Context of Multiculturalism : Challenges for Human Resource Management 1
- Contemporary Ukrainian Visual Culture on the Way to the International Cultural Space 1
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in European Higher Education 1
- Contexts of Extraordinary Parental Involvement in Children’s Education During the First Wave of COVID-19: A Case Study of a Public Elementary School in Poland 1
- Continuity and Change in Medieval East Central Europe: Social, Ruling and Religious Transformations 1
- Conversion, deconversion, transgression: the "Satanic Adventure" and other stories from the life of the Archdruid Isaac Bonewits (1949-2010) 1
- Cooperation of the School With the Family and the Local Community – Selected Aspects 1
- Coronavirus as an (Anti) Hero of Fairy Tales and Guides for Children 1
- Corporeality Affected by the Loss of a Loved One – Manifestations of the Body in the Experiences of Former Wards of Social Rehabilitation Centers 1
- Correct human cardiac nomenclature 1
- Council of Europe overall strategy to fight against poverty 1
- COVID-19 and brain aging: what are the implications of immunosenescence? 1
- Creativity as a means of shaping human subjectivity according to Wiesław Karolak 1
- Credibility and Creativity in Network Society 1
- Credibility as a Moral Virtue? 1
- Crisis of Parental Conflict: Impact on Children and Families 1
- Critical Thinking – the Basic Competency for Leadership in the 21st century 1
- Critical thinking as an educational objective in a global information society 1
- Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (BMDS-16) 1
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