- A House, a Home: Examining the Relationship Between Abandonment and Memory Through Minco’s The Address and Sumar’s Silent Waters 1
- A large scale prospective clinical and psychometric validation of the EORTC colorectal (QLQ-CR29) module in Polish patients with colorectal cancer 1
- A Linguistic Analysis of Sexism-Related Hate Speech in Social Media 1
- A Lutheran, Maciej Vorbek-Lettow (1593–1663) and his Studies in Padua 1
- A prospective study to validate the Polish language version of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Colorectal Liver Metastases (QLQ-LMC21) module 1
- A Reconstruction of John the Grammarian’s Account of Substance in Terms of "Enhypostaton" 1
- A Revolution in Education: The Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping the Future of Learning 1
- A sovereign illusion: On the political theology of border walling 1
- A Systematic Literature Review on Cultural Arts Education and the Cultivation of Cultural Values 1
- A Therapeutic Teams Interventions and Their Perception of Parental Reactions Towards Them A Childs Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa 1
- A Three-Dimensional Account of Teacher–Student Communication: An Account and Its Application 1
- About the terms concerning the ruler and the state in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the epoch of Mindaugas' reign 1
- Academia between Utopia and Dystopia : Francis Bacon, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Alasdair MacIntyre 1
- Accompaniment as a strategy for peace education 1
- Action Research as a Path to Change in the Teaching/Learning Process 1
- Activity and Needs of Seniors : Research Report in Chorzów 1
- Adam Mickiewicz wobec rozwoju cywilizacyjnego i postępu naukowo-technicznego 1
- Adam Smith, Commercial Society and the Challenges of Republicanism 1
- Adjusting to Remote Learning as a Result of COVID-19: Experiences of Students and Teachers in Jamaica 1
- Adnotacje do Ćwiczeń Duchowych św. Ignacego Loyoli : studium teologiczno-pastoralne 1
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