- 70 lat „Przeglądu Historyczno-Oświatowego” 1
- 80. rocznica aresztowania przez Niemców jezuitów z kolegium krakowskiego : 1939-2019 1
- A Bookkeeper’s Honesty in Describing the World: On the Great Metaphor of Zbigniew Herbert, Recipient of a Master’s Degree in Economics 1
- About the terms concerning the ruler and the state in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the epoch of Mindaugas' reign 1
- Academia between Utopia and Dystopia : Francis Bacon, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Alasdair MacIntyre 1
- Accompaniment as a strategy for peace education 1
- A cross-cultural convergent parallel mixed methods study of what makes a cancer-related symptom or functional health problem clinically important 1
- Action Research as a Path to Change in the Teaching/Learning Process 1
- Activity and Needs of Seniors : Research Report in Chorzów 1
- Adam Mickiewicz wobec rozwoju cywilizacyjnego i postępu naukowo-technicznego 1
- Adam Smith, Commercial Society and the Challenges of Republicanism 1
- A Denegative and Intertextual Reassessment of “The Tale” 1
- A Dialogue between Republicanism and the "Republic of Science" 1
- A Dissolution of Borderlines in Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child 1
- Adjusting to Remote Learning as a Result of COVID-19: Experiences of Students and Teachers in Jamaica 1
- Adnotacje do Ćwiczeń Duchowych św. Ignacego Loyoli : studium teologiczno-pastoralne 1
- Adoption of a child by homosexuals in light of the best interests of the child principle in accordance with its understanding in Polish family law : subjective interpretation of the author 1
- Adrenalina i sens. O życiu z pasją w ujęciu egzystencjalno-narracyjnym 1
- Adults’ need for and interest in religious education 1
- A Few Words About Vilnius Pedagogy and Its Promoters 1
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