- The Educational Functions of the First Woman's Almanac in Britain: Media Literacy and The Ladies' Diary, 1704-1713 1
- The Emergence of the Scholastic Attitude Towards Philosophy in Greek Patristic Thought 1
- The Éminence Grise of Christology: Porphyry’s Logical Teaching as a Cornerstone of Argumentation in Christological Debates of the Fifth and Sixth Centruies 1
- The EORTC CAT Core : the computer adaptive version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire 1
- The Etykieta „obcego” w instytucji totalizującej. Adaptacja (pod) kulturowa młodzieży pochodzenia ukraińskiego w placówkach resocjalizacyjnych 1
- The European Right to Social and Medical Assistance 1
- The Experience and Correlates of God’s Silence among Christians 1
- The Experience of Human Being in the Thought of Karol Wojtyla 1
- The Faces of Contemporary Phenomenology. Vol. 2: Sartre and Beyond 1
- The Finnish Model of Inclusive Education – an Unmatched Ideal or a Viable Model of Good Practice? 2
- "The Flyting of Dumbar and Kennedie" as an Inverted Litany: The Scottish Perspective on a Poetic Agon = "The Flyting of Dumbar and Kennedie" jako litania na opak: szkockie spojrzenie na kwestię poetyckiego agonu 1
- The formation and the development of the Arabic script from the earliest times until its standardisation 1
- The fourth industrial revolution and its electronic employment technologies. The challenges of employment in the digital age 1
- The freedom of speech and the protection of religious feelings: the case of Dorota Rabczewska – comparative analysis 1
- The Future of Education in the Context of Cognitive Enhancement Practices 1
- The Future of Utopia in the Posthuman World 1
- The gap effect reduces both manual and saccadic inhibition of return (IOR) 1
- The Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale-2 in a French sample: Psychometric evaluation of the theoretical model 1
- The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Teutonic Order during the reign of Vytenis 1
- The Greek Way of Life 1
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