- An "extremely nice writing-table": The Language(s) of Belonging in A Personal Record 1
- An Epistemological and Denegative Reinterpretation in the Faulknerian Context of Conrad's Malay Tale: "The Planter of Malata" 1
- An international study to revise the EORTC questionnaire for assessing quality of life in lung cancer patients 1
- An outline of Latin culture in Cyprus in the period of Franko-Venetian dominance on the island (1191-1571) 1
- Analiza obciążeń, jakości życia i percepcji wsparcia społecznego wśród partnerów dorosłych osób chorych na nowotwór. 1
- Analiza pojęciowa wybranych manifestów pedagogicznych w ujęciu historycznym 1
- Analysis of rs7895833 polymorphism of SIRT1 gene and its influence on the risk occurrence and progression of neurodegenerative disease, such as primary open-angle glaucoma in a Polish population 1
- Analysis of the Early Childhood Education Curriculum from a Resilience Perspective 1
- Analysis of the use of social media by cultural institutions shown by the example of the Teatr Śląski in Katowice 1
- Anarchia i dyscyplina : rzecz o realistycznych teoriach stosunków międzynarodowych Hansa Morgenthaua i Kennetha Waltza 1
- Anatomical variations of the inferior thyroid artery : a cadaveric examination = Warianty anatomiczne tętnicy tarczowej dolnej : badanie anatomiczne 1
- Ancient Egypt and the Polish Archaeological Research in Egypt in Popular Science Magazines in 1946-1990 1
- Andrzej Bobola - męczennik Kresów 1
- Andrzej Michał de Tchorzewski. Wprowadzenie do pedagogicznej teorii wychowania moralnego [Introduction into the Pedagogical Theory of Moral Upbringing]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ignatianum, 2023, pp. 279 1
- Anesthetic gases. Application, environmental exposure and ways of risk reduction 1
- Ani za cały świat. Historia małżeństwa Mików 1
- Anthropology, Personalism and the Pedagogical Creed: The Meaning of the Pedagogy of the Person in the 21st Century 1
- Antica tradizione, leggenda medievale e gloria del nome Polacco nella prima età moderna. Stanisław Temberski e la sua Tiara episcopalis 1
- Antioxidant Properties of Plant-Derived Phenolic Compounds and Their Effect on Skin Fibroblast Cells 1
Wyświetlono rekordy 121-140 z 4786