- The Orchard of Neoclassical Realism – Weathered Tree, Graft or Seedling? 1
- The Origins of the Jesuit Authority and Influence at the Court of Emperors Wanli (1572–1620), Shunzi (1644–1661) and Kangxi (1661–1722) and in the Wider Circles of the Chinese Society in the Light of the Works of Thomas Szpot Dunin (1644–1713) 1
- The Other, the Irrevocability of Death and the Aporia of Mourning: A Hermeneutic Approach 1
- The Oxford Movement and Polish Ultramontanes : A Unusual Example of Nineteenth-Century Interchurch Inspiration 1
- The Paradoxes of Person – Some Remarks 1
- The Paradoxes of the Person. A New Thomistic Perspective 1
- The Pedagogical Model of Thought and Activity in the Social World of Interaction Rituals - in the thought of Erving Goffman 1
- The Pedagogy of Witness. An Anthropological-Kreygmatic Perspective by Zbigniew Marek SJ & Anna Walulik CSFN – the Reflective Challenge for Education 1
- The Phenomenon of Digital Labour Platforms 1
- The Pilgrim's Identity in Liquid Modernity 1
- The Pilgrim’s Identity in Liquid Modernity 1
- The Policies of the European Union from a Central European Perspective 1
- The Polish adaptation of the Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (ECBQ) : Psychometric properties, age and gender differences and convergence between the questionnaire and the observational data 1
- The Polish Church and the “Thaw” of 1956 1
- The Polish College in Beirut in 1946-1948 1
- The Polish Constitutional Tribunal: Encountering Politics 1
- The Polish-Lithuanian legacy of Sir Thomas More in the rediscovered plays and playbills of the eighteenth century 1
- The Political and Mental Aspects of Ukraine Integration with Europe 1
- The Populist Challenge to Political Legitimacy: A Crisis of Social Validation = Populistyczne wyzwanie dla legitymizacji politycznej: kryzys uprawomocnienia 1
- The Potential Role of Small-Molecule PERK Inhibitor LDN-0060609 in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Treatment 1
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