Walka z czarną śmiercią w świetle wybranych pism i traktatów z XIV w.
- Tytuł: Walka z czarną śmiercią w świetle wybranych pism i traktatów z XIV w.
- Autor/Autorzy: JANUSZ SMOŁUCHA (Autor)
- Nazwa czasopisma: Studia Historica Gedanensia
- Rok: 2021
- ISSN: 2081-3309
- DOI: 10.4467/23916001HG.21.003.14985
- Adres www:: https://www.ejournals.eu/Studia-Historica-Gedanensia/2021/Tom-12-2021_2/art/20883/
- Strony od-do: 31-43
- Język: polski
- Abstrakt: This article analyzes texts that show attempts to resist the plague epidemic in Europe in the second half of the fourteenth century. Much information on this subject has survived in writings by Italian authors, including Giovanni Boccaccio, Matteo Villani, and Francesco Petrarch. In Italian cities, the sickness led to demographic disaster, permanently changing the social order and the daily life of their inhabitants. Using the above mentioned texts, the author reflects on the triumphal march of the plague, searching for answers to the question as to the extent to which contemporary doctors were responsible for the state of affairs. When they encountered the first attack of the plague, they were helpless, not possessing either appropriate knowledge of medicines. Authors of chronicles noted that when examining the sick, doctors only took simple steps such as measuring temperature and analyzing body fluids, and the drew on philosophy and astrology when doing so. Sharper and sharper criticism fell on their heads as a result, and accusations not just of ignorance but also of cowardice. This was because many medical persons fled from territories affected by plague. Francesco Petrarch was one of the fiercest critics of doctors at this time. In the course of the epidemic, he lost Laura, the love of his life, and his beloved son. Petrarch wrote of the plague and the death that accompanied it in several tracts and poetic pieces. In those, he showed the fear and terror that haunted people when the world they had hitherto known lay in ruins.
- Dyscyplina: nauki o kulturze i religii
- 002 a Walka z czarną śmiercią w świetle wybranych pism i traktatów z XIV w.
- 003 b 0000-0003-2633-7093
- 003 a JANUSZ SMOŁUCHA (Autor)
- 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
- 006 a Studia Historica Gedanensia
- 008 a 2021
- 011 a 2081-3309
- 013 a 10.4467/23916001HG.21.003.14985
- 014 a https://www.ejournals.eu/Studia-Historica-Gedanensia/2021/Tom-12-2021_2/art/20883/
- 015 a 31-43
- 017 a polski
- 020 a This article analyzes texts that show attempts to resist the plague epidemic in Europe in the second half of the fourteenth century. Much information on this subject has survived in writings by Italian authors, including Giovanni Boccaccio, Matteo Villani, and Francesco Petrarch. In Italian cities, the sickness led to demographic disaster, permanently changing the social order and the daily life of their inhabitants. Using the above mentioned texts, the author reflects on the triumphal march of the plague, searching for answers to the question as to the extent to which contemporary doctors were responsible for the state of affairs. When they encountered the first attack of the plague, they were helpless, not possessing either appropriate knowledge of medicines. Authors of chronicles noted that when examining the sick, doctors only took simple steps such as measuring temperature and analyzing body fluids, and the drew on philosophy and astrology when doing so. Sharper and sharper criticism fell on their heads as a result, and accusations not just of ignorance but also of cowardice. This was because many medical persons fled from territories affected by plague. Francesco Petrarch was one of the fiercest critics of doctors at this time. In the course of the epidemic, he lost Laura, the love of his life, and his beloved son. Petrarch wrote of the plague and the death that accompanied it in several tracts and poetic pieces. In those, he showed the fear and terror that haunted people when the world they had hitherto known lay in ruins.
- 966 a nauki o kulturze i religii
- 985 a Wydział Filozoficzny
- 985 b Instytut Kulturoznawstwa
Dublin Core
- Tytuł: Walka z czarną śmiercią w świetle wybranych pism i traktatów z XIV w.
- Autor (Twórca): JANUSZ SMOŁUCHA (Autor)
- Tytuł czasopisma : Studia Historica Gedanensia
- Data: 2021
- Dyscyplina: nauki o kulturze i religii
- Struktura:
- Język: polski