Główne kategorie myśli politycznej Richarda Hookera
- Tytuł: Główne kategorie myśli politycznej Richarda Hookera
- Autor/Autorzy: PIOTR MUSIEWICZ (Autor)
- Nazwa czasopisma: Politeja
- Rok: 2019
- ISSN: 1733-6716
- DOI: 10.12797/Politeja.16.2019.61.24
- Adres www:: https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/1322/1168
- Strony od-do: 441-461
- Język: polski
- Abstrakt: This article outlines the main philosophical and political issues of this late-Tu-dor Anglican divine. Hooker’s ideas, developed in Of the Laws of Eccclesiastical Polity, provide some atypical answers to typical questions about the state and its connection with the church. The first issue presented is the nature of law and reason: Hooker’s approach bears a strong resemblance to St. Thomas Aquinas’ thought here. We can also observe the naissance of a theory of a “social contract”, as society enters an agreement to nominate a governor over them. Hooker seems to be applying this theory to both the origins of the state and of the church. In describing the role of tradition in law-making, Hooker can be called the pio-neer of the Conservative doctrine. We shall indicate the role of the Revelation in Hooker’s outlook and his polemics with the Puritans here. Finally, we will come to Hooker’s criticism of the theory of two powers, his favour of monism and its historical proponents, and to his arguments for the royal supremacy in England
- Dyscyplina: nauki o polityce i administracji
- 002 a Główne kategorie myśli politycznej Richarda Hookera
- 003 b 0000-0001-8725-7412
- 003 a PIOTR MUSIEWICZ (Autor)
- 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
- 006 a Politeja
- 008 a 2019
- 011 a 1733-6716
- 013 a 10.12797/Politeja.16.2019.61.24
- 014 a https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/1322/1168
- 015 a 441-461
- 017 a polski
- 020 a This article outlines the main philosophical and political issues of this late-Tu-dor Anglican divine. Hooker’s ideas, developed in Of the Laws of Eccclesiastical Polity, provide some atypical answers to typical questions about the state and its connection with the church. The first issue presented is the nature of law and reason: Hooker’s approach bears a strong resemblance to St. Thomas Aquinas’ thought here. We can also observe the naissance of a theory of a “social contract”, as society enters an agreement to nominate a governor over them. Hooker seems to be applying this theory to both the origins of the state and of the church. In describing the role of tradition in law-making, Hooker can be called the pio-neer of the Conservative doctrine. We shall indicate the role of the Revelation in Hooker’s outlook and his polemics with the Puritans here. Finally, we will come to Hooker’s criticism of the theory of two powers, his favour of monism and its historical proponents, and to his arguments for the royal supremacy in England
- 966 a nauki o polityce i administracji
- 985 a Wydział Pedagogiczny
- 985 b Instytut Nauk o Polityce i Administracji
Dublin Core
- Tytuł: Główne kategorie myśli politycznej Richarda Hookera
- Autor (Twórca): PIOTR MUSIEWICZ (Autor)
- Tytuł czasopisma : Politeja
- Data: 2019
- Dyscyplina: nauki o polityce i administracji
- Struktura:
- Język: polski
Musiewicz P_Główne kategorie myśli.....pdf (211 KB)
- Licencja: CC BY-ND 4.0
- Wersja tekstu: Ostateczna opublikowana
- Dostępność: Publiczny