Human on fire as a gesture of self-offering in Polish documentary films
- Tytuł: Human on fire as a gesture of self-offering in Polish documentary films
- Autor/Autorzy: URSZULA TES (Autor)
- Nazwa czasopisma: Images
- Rok: 2019
- ISSN: 1731-450X
- DOI: 10.14746/i.2019.34.12
- Adres www::
- Strony od-do:
- 172-179
- 0.77
- Język: angielski
- Abstrakt: One of strongest acts of personal protest in the communist era was self-immolation, which was the subject of two Polish documentaries. Maciej Drygas in Hear My Cry invoked the figure of Ryszard Siwiec, who immolated himself on September 8, 1968 as a-sign of protest against the Soviet army invasion of Czechoslovakia. In his documentary, Drygas shows a-fragment of the film with the burning man, juxtaposing it with the testimony of witnesses to the tragedy and the account of the family. .is documentary restores the memory of the whole society, who due solely to the film, learned about the radical gesture of a-common man. Holy Fire by Jarosław Manka and Maciej Grabysa in turn invokes the heroic but forgotten Walenty Badylak, who immolated himself in March of 1980 in Cracow as an expression of his objection to distortion of the truth about Katyn. Both acts of self-immolation had for many years been perceived as totally futile acts, while the directors show that the self-immolation of these now has a-deep and symbolic meaning. In my analysis, I-shall invoke historic and cultural contexts, conduct a-multifaceted interpretation of self-immolation act and discuss the complex imagery included in the films
- Dyscyplina: nauki o kulturze i religii
- 002 a Human on fire as a gesture of self-offering in Polish documentary films
- 003 b 0000-0003-0602-2609
- 003 a URSZULA TES (Autor)
- 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
- 006 a Images
- 008 a 2019
- 011 a 1731-450X
- 013 a 10.14746/i.2019.34.12
- 014 a
- 015 a 172-179
- 016 a 0.77
- 017 a angielski
- 020 a One of strongest acts of personal protest in the communist era was self-immolation, which was the subject of two Polish documentaries. Maciej Drygas in Hear My Cry invoked the figure of Ryszard Siwiec, who immolated himself on September 8, 1968 as a-sign of protest against the Soviet army invasion of Czechoslovakia. In his documentary, Drygas shows a-fragment of the film with the burning man, juxtaposing it with the testimony of witnesses to the tragedy and the account of the family. .is documentary restores the memory of the whole society, who due solely to the film, learned about the radical gesture of a-common man. Holy Fire by Jarosław Manka and Maciej Grabysa in turn invokes the heroic but forgotten Walenty Badylak, who immolated himself in March of 1980 in Cracow as an expression of his objection to distortion of the truth about Katyn. Both acts of self-immolation had for many years been perceived as totally futile acts, while the directors show that the self-immolation of these now has a-deep and symbolic meaning. In my analysis, I-shall invoke historic and cultural contexts, conduct a-multifaceted interpretation of self-immolation act and discuss the complex imagery included in the films
- 966 a nauki o kulturze i religii
- 985 a Wydział Filozoficzny
- 985 b Instytut Kulturoznawstwa
Dublin Core
- Tytuł: Human on fire as a gesture of self-offering in Polish documentary films
- Autor (Twórca): URSZULA TES (Autor)
- Tytuł czasopisma : Images
- Data: 2019
- Dyscyplina: nauki o kulturze i religii
- Struktura:
- Język: angielski
Tes U_Human on fire as a.....pdf (251 KB)
- Licencja: CC BY-ND 4.0
- Wersja tekstu: Ostateczna opublikowana
- Dostępność: Publiczny