Inny możliwy debiut książkowy Leopolda Staffa na podstawie analizy rękopisów „Snów o potędze”
- Tytuł: Inny możliwy debiut książkowy Leopolda Staffa na podstawie analizy rękopisów „Snów o potędze”
- Autor/Autorzy: KRYSTYNA ZABAWA (Autor)
- Nazwa czasopisma: Ruch Literacki
- Rok: 2019
- ISSN: 0035-9602
- DOI: 10.24425/rl.2019.130037
- Adres www::
- Strony od-do:
- 209-222
- 0.5
- Język: polski
- Abstrakt: This article examines two collections of manuscripts (previously unanalyzed) with poems which make up Leopold Staff’s debut volume The Dreams of Power. The poet offered them as a gift to Maryla Wolska who deposited them in the Michał Pawlikowski Archives at Medyka. With access to the first, nearly complete, collection we can get an insight into the process of selecting poems for the version that was to go to print (1899-1901). As most of the poems are dated, we are able to establish their sequence and reconstruct the changing concept of their selection. Of special value are twelve poems which had been dropped in the process, and for most part remained unpublished. Each of them is presented briefly in the article. Apart from making this discovery, the article demonstrates that Leopold Staff’s debut volume as we know it had an earlier version with a set of poems, different from the one that was earmarked for publication under that title.
- Dyscyplina: literaturoznawstwo
- 002 a Inny możliwy debiut książkowy Leopolda Staffa na podstawie analizy rękopisów „Snów o potędze”
- 003 b 0000-0003-4873-839X
- 003 a KRYSTYNA ZABAWA (Autor)
- 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
- 006 a Ruch Literacki
- 008 a 2019
- 011 a 0035-9602
- 013 a 10.24425/rl.2019.130037
- 014 a
- 015 a 209-222
- 016 a 0.5
- 017 a polski
- 020 a This article examines two collections of manuscripts (previously unanalyzed) with poems which make up Leopold Staff’s debut volume The Dreams of Power. The poet offered them as a gift to Maryla Wolska who deposited them in the Michał Pawlikowski Archives at Medyka. With access to the first, nearly complete, collection we can get an insight into the process of selecting poems for the version that was to go to print (1899-1901). As most of the poems are dated, we are able to establish their sequence and reconstruct the changing concept of their selection. Of special value are twelve poems which had been dropped in the process, and for most part remained unpublished. Each of them is presented briefly in the article. Apart from making this discovery, the article demonstrates that Leopold Staff’s debut volume as we know it had an earlier version with a set of poems, different from the one that was earmarked for publication under that title.
- 966 a literaturoznawstwo
- 985 a Wydział Pedagogiczny
- 985 b Instytut Neofilologii
Dublin Core
- Tytuł: Inny możliwy debiut książkowy Leopolda Staffa na podstawie analizy rękopisów „Snów o potędze”
- Autor (Twórca): KRYSTYNA ZABAWA (Autor)
- Tytuł czasopisma : Ruch Literacki
- Data: 2019
- Dyscyplina: literaturoznawstwo
- Struktura:
- Język: polski
Zabawa K_Inny możliwy debiut książkowy....pdf (171 KB)
- Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- Wersja tekstu: Ostateczna opublikowana
- Dostępność: Publiczny