Multi-channel acoustic analysis of phoneme /s/ mispronunciation for lateral sigmatism detection

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  • 002 $a Multi-channel acoustic analysis of phoneme /s/ mispronunciation for lateral sigmatism detection
  • 003 $a JOANNA TRZASKALIK (Autor)
  • 003 $b 0000-0001-6046-9351
  • 003 $a Michał Krecichwost (Autor)
  • 003 $a Zuzanna Miodońska (Autor)
  • 003 $a Paweł Badura (Autor)
  • 003 $a Natalia Mocko (Autor)
  • 004 $a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
  • 006 $a Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
  • 008 $a 2019
  • 011 $a 0208-5216
  • 013 $a 10.1016/j.bbe.2018.11.005
  • 014 $a
  • 015 $a 246-255
  • 017 $a angielski
  • 020 $a The paper presents a method for computer-aided detection of lateral sigmatism. The aim of the study is to design an automated sigmatism diagnosis tool. For that purpose, a reference speech corpus has been collected. It contains 438 recordings of a phoneme /s/ surrounded by certain vowels with normative and simulated pathological pronunciation. The acoustic signal is recorded with an acoustic mask, which is a set of microphones organised in a semi-cylindrical surface around the subject's face. Frames containing /s/ phoneme are subjected to beamforming and feature extraction. Two different feature vectors containing, e.g., Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients and fricative formants, are defined and evaluated in terms of binary classification involving support vector machines. A single-channel analysis is confronted with multi-channel processing. The experimental results show that the multi-channel speech signal processing supported by beamforming is able to increase the pathology detection capabilities in general.
  • 966 $a językoznawstwo
  • 985 $a Wydział Pedagogiczny
  • 985 $b Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu

Dublin Core


Trzaskalik J_Multi-channel acoustic....pdf (2,09 MB)

  • Licencja: Licencja Repozytorium
  • Wersja tekstu: Ostateczna opublikowana
  • Dostępność: Publiczny