L’acquisition du français, de l’allemand et du russe comme L3 après l’anglais comme L2 par les étudiants polonais : les interactions interlinguales et le rôle de la conscience linguistique

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  • Tytuł: L’acquisition du français, de l’allemand et du russe comme L3 après l’anglais comme L2 par les étudiants polonais : les interactions interlinguales et le rôle de la conscience linguistique
  • Autor/Autorzy: Teresa Włosowicz (Autor)
  • Nazwa czasopisma: Heteroglossia. Quaderni di Linguaggi e Interdisciplinarita
  • Rok: 2018
  • ISSN: 2037-7037
  • DOI: 10.13138/2037-7037/1933
  • Adres www:: https://riviste.unimc.it/index.php/heteroglossia/article/view/1933
  • Strony od-do:
    • 163-181
    • 0.93
  • Język: francuski
  • Abstrakt: The present study aims to investigate cross-linguistic interaction (in a broad sense, for example, transfer, interference, etc., cf. Herdina and Jessner, 2002) in the acquisition of French, German and Russian as L3 by native speakers of Polish, where special attention is paid to the influence of English (L2). The article is based on three studies by the present author: a study on the production of gerunds and infinitives in English (L2) and French (L3), a study on the identification of false idiomatic expressions and lexical errors in English (L2) and German (L3) and, finally, on the influence of English (L2) on the processing, especially the production of Russian (L3). As the results show, the influence of English is observable in all the language combinations under analysis. This seems to confirm the role of the association of foreignness and the perception of correctness(De Angelis 2005), which means that learners often tend to perceive foreign languages as closer to one another than to the native language. In addition, the study stresses the importance of language awareness in L3 learning: even though cross-linguistic similarities facilitate the learning of subsequent languages, one should also pay attention to differences in order to avoid negative transfer.


  • 002 a L’acquisition du français, de l’allemand et du russe comme L3 après l’anglais comme L2 par les étudiants polonais : les interactions interlinguales et le rôle de la conscience linguistique
  • 003 a Teresa Włosowicz (Autor)
  • 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
  • 006 a Heteroglossia. Quaderni di Linguaggi e Interdisciplinarita
  • 008 a 2018
  • 011 a 2037-7037
  • 013 a 10.13138/2037-7037/1933
  • 014 a https://riviste.unimc.it/index.php/heteroglossia/article/view/1933
  • 015 a 163-181
  • 016 a 0.93
  • 017 a francuski
  • 020 a The present study aims to investigate cross-linguistic interaction (in a broad sense, for example, transfer, interference, etc., cf. Herdina and Jessner, 2002) in the acquisition of French, German and Russian as L3 by native speakers of Polish, where special attention is paid to the influence of English (L2). The article is based on three studies by the present author: a study on the production of gerunds and infinitives in English (L2) and French (L3), a study on the identification of false idiomatic expressions and lexical errors in English (L2) and German (L3) and, finally, on the influence of English (L2) on the processing, especially the production of Russian (L3). As the results show, the influence of English is observable in all the language combinations under analysis. This seems to confirm the role of the association of foreignness and the perception of correctness(De Angelis 2005), which means that learners often tend to perceive foreign languages as closer to one another than to the native language. In addition, the study stresses the importance of language awareness in L3 learning: even though cross-linguistic similarities facilitate the learning of subsequent languages, one should also pay attention to differences in order to avoid negative transfer.

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