COVID-19 and brain aging: what are the implications of immunosenescence?
- Tytuł: COVID-19 and brain aging: what are the implications of immunosenescence?
- Autor/Autorzy:
- Nazwa czasopisma: Current aging science
- Rok: 2022
- ISSN: 1874-6128
- DOI: 10.2174/1874609816666221228103320
- Adres www::
- Język: angielski
- Abstrakt: The human lifespan is increasing, and mankind is aging. It is estimated that, until the year 2050, this population worldwide will reach 22% of the total world population. Along with aging, the human immunologic system changes, a process called immunosenescence or even inflammaging. The aging immune system increases mortality and morbidity in the elderly mainly because it loses its capacity to react against internal and external aggressions. There is a decrease in B and T lymphocytes and CD4+ lymphocytes lose the CD28 protein expression that is needed for co-stimulation, leading to reduced response to viral infections. This could be responsible for more deleterious consequences of coronavirus disease infection in the elderly. Besides that, the human brain ages, being more susceptible to damage and viral infections, such as COVID-19 infection. There are several pathways that could explain the susceptibility to the COVID-19 infection in the elderly brain, one of them is binding to ACE 2 receptors in cerebral cells through the spike protein. It has been reported that glial cells and neurons, in addition to endothelial and arterial smooth muscle cells in the brain, express the ACE 2 receptor, which would justify the neurological symptoms and consequences of the disease. This infection can have several clinical manifestations such as hemorrhagic stroke, delirium and long-term cognitive complaints, such as brain fog, polyneuropathies, short time memory complaints and insomnia. Although none of the studies could prove that there is a long-term neuronal damage, there are clinical sequelae that should be taken into account and more studies are necessary to know the consequences of the infection in the elderly brain.
- Dyscyplina: nauki medyczne
- 002 a COVID-19 and brain aging: what are the implications of immunosenescence?
- 003 b 0000-0001-8757-6958
- 003 a Adrielly Vargas Lidio (Autor)
- 003 a Eduarda Behenck Medeiros (Autor)
- 003 a EWA KUCHARSKA (Autor)
- 003 a Gabriela Serafim Keller (Autor)
- 003 a Josiane Budni (Autor)
- 003 a Maria Cecconi dos Santos (Autor)
- 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
- 006 a Current aging science
- 008 a 2022
- 011 a 1874-6128
- 013 a 10.2174/1874609816666221228103320
- 014 a
- 017 a angielski
- 020 a The human lifespan is increasing, and mankind is aging. It is estimated that, until the year 2050, this population worldwide will reach 22% of the total world population. Along with aging, the human immunologic system changes, a process called immunosenescence or even inflammaging. The aging immune system increases mortality and morbidity in the elderly mainly because it loses its capacity to react against internal and external aggressions. There is a decrease in B and T lymphocytes and CD4+ lymphocytes lose the CD28 protein expression that is needed for co-stimulation, leading to reduced response to viral infections. This could be responsible for more deleterious consequences of coronavirus disease infection in the elderly. Besides that, the human brain ages, being more susceptible to damage and viral infections, such as COVID-19 infection. There are several pathways that could explain the susceptibility to the COVID-19 infection in the elderly brain, one of them is binding to ACE 2 receptors in cerebral cells through the spike protein. It has been reported that glial cells and neurons, in addition to endothelial and arterial smooth muscle cells in the brain, express the ACE 2 receptor, which would justify the neurological symptoms and consequences of the disease. This infection can have several clinical manifestations such as hemorrhagic stroke, delirium and long-term cognitive complaints, such as brain fog, polyneuropathies, short time memory complaints and insomnia. Although none of the studies could prove that there is a long-term neuronal damage, there are clinical sequelae that should be taken into account and more studies are necessary to know the consequences of the infection in the elderly brain.
- 022 a aging
- 022 a brain
- 022 a cognition
- 022 a covid-19
- 022 a Immunosenescence
- 022 a Inflammaging
- 022 a SARS-CoV-2
- 966 a nauki medyczne
- 985 a Wydział Pedagogiczny
- 985 b Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu
Dublin Core
- Tytuł: COVID-19 and brain aging: what are the implications of immunosenescence?
- Autor (Twórca):
- Tytuł czasopisma : Current aging science
- Data: 2022
- Dyscyplina: nauki medyczne
- Słowa kluczowe w j. angielskim:
- Struktura:
- Język: angielski