Kitsch in Religion: Risks of Didacticism in Catholic and Islamic Religious and Sacred Art
- Tytuł: Kitsch in Religion: Risks of Didacticism in Catholic and Islamic Religious and Sacred Art
- Autor:
- Magdalena El Ghamari (Autor)
- 0000-0003-4404-5676
- Justyna Melonowska (Autor)
- Strony od-do: 247-273
- Tytuł monografii: Non-Artistic Kitsch
- Wydawca: Palgrave Macmillan
- Rok wydania: 2024
- Miejsce wydania: Switzerland
- Adres URL:
- Abstrakt w j. angielskim: The chapter points out the common aspect between religious art and kitsch, which is the didactic intention inherent in both. This didactics has an intellectual and emotional aspect in religion, so canonical sacred art affects both relevant spheres, while kitsch favours emotivism at the expense of intellectualism. Thus, both religion and kitsch address the audience with the intention of evoking an emotional response. This makes kitsch in religious art occupy a special place. The authors discuss the relationship between religious didacticism and kitsch in religious art using the examples of Catholicism and Islam due to the diverse forms of aesthetic and religious experience in both these religions. This diversity is primarily determined by figurativeness and non-figurativeness, resp. the iconism of Christianity and the aniconism of Islam. Both religious traditions have preferred significant forms of art and religious expression—from calligraphy in Islam to liturgy in Catholicism. Because of its dominant didactic component, which kitsch shares with these religions, it poses a threat to religious art that requires a nuanced approach. Hence, the authors propose the categories of light kitsch experience and hard kitsch experience. These are meant to distinguish between such an experience of kitsch in sacred art that may support the achievement of the goals set by a given religion through appropriate kitsch means and such an experience of kitsch in sacred art that hinders, and even invalidates, the religion and its established didactic goals.
- Struktura:
- Wydział Pedagogiczny
- Instytut Nauk o Polityce i Administracji
- Dyscyplina: nauki o kulturze i religii
- 002 $a Kitsch in Religion: Risks of Didacticism in Catholic and Islamic Religious and Sacred Art
- 003 $a Magdalena El Ghamari (Autor)
- 003 $e
- 003 $a TOMASZ DEKERT (Autor)
- 003 $e 0000-0003-4404-5676
- 003 $a Justyna Melonowska (Autor)
- 003 $f Michał Szostak (Redaktor)
- 005 $a Rozdział w książce
- 006 $a 247-273
- 007 $a 1,78
- 008 $a 13
- 011 $b
- 012 $a Non-Artistic Kitsch
- 013 $a 2024
- 014 $c Palgrave Macmillan
- 015 $a Switzerland
- 017 $a 978-3-031-72236-3
- 022 $a The chapter points out the common aspect between religious art and kitsch, which is the didactic intention inherent in both. This didactics has an intellectual and emotional aspect in religion, so canonical sacred art affects both relevant spheres, while kitsch favours emotivism at the expense of intellectualism. Thus, both religion and kitsch address the audience with the intention of evoking an emotional response. This makes kitsch in religious art occupy a special place. The authors discuss the relationship between religious didacticism and kitsch in religious art using the examples of Catholicism and Islam due to the diverse forms of aesthetic and religious experience in both these religions. This diversity is primarily determined by figurativeness and non-figurativeness, resp. the iconism of Christianity and the aniconism of Islam. Both religious traditions have preferred significant forms of art and religious expression—from calligraphy in Islam to liturgy in Catholicism. Because of its dominant didactic component, which kitsch shares with these religions, it poses a threat to religious art that requires a nuanced approach. Hence, the authors propose the categories of light kitsch experience and hard kitsch experience. These are meant to distinguish between such an experience of kitsch in sacred art that may support the achievement of the goals set by a given religion through appropriate kitsch means and such an experience of kitsch in sacred art that hinders, and even invalidates, the religion and its established didactic goals.
- 985 $a Wydział Pedagogiczny
- 985 $b Instytut Nauk o Polityce i Administracji
- 999 $a nauki o kulturze i religii
Dublin Core
- Tytuł: Kitsch in Religion: Risks of Didacticism in Catholic and Islamic Religious and Sacred Art
- Autor (Twórca):
- Wydawca: Palgrave Macmillan
- ISBN: 978-3-031-72236-3
- Data: 2024
- Miejsce: Switzerland
- Dyscyplina: nauki o kulturze i religii
- Struktura:
- Adres URL: