Idea zmiany obrzędowej w myśli ruchu liturgicznego w świetle koncepcji rytualnego ustanawiania konwencji R.A. Rappaporta

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  • Tytuł: Idea zmiany obrzędowej w myśli ruchu liturgicznego w świetle koncepcji rytualnego ustanawiania konwencji R.A. Rappaporta
  • Autor:
  • Strony od-do: 299-328
  • Tytuł monografii: Stulecie próby odnowy cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej
  • Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Dębogóra
  • Rok wydania: 2024
  • Miejsce wydania: Warszawa - Dębogóra
  • Adres URL:
  • Abstrakt w j. angielskim: The aim of this article is to examine the beginnings and primary trajectories of the idea of ritual change in the thought of the Liturgical Movement from the perspee- tive of R.A. Rappaports concept of the ritual establishment of conventions. I assume, ł a premise, the assertion that representatives of the Movement saw in the revival of Cath: lic liturgical participation an opportunity for the inlernal renewal of Christian civilizatior_ In their view, the then-dominant model of the faithfuls participation in liturgy did no: allow them true involvement; they remained uninterested and unengaged speclators, an_ thus the liturgy did not exert a real formative and revitalizing influence on them. A sigm:' icanl moment for the ideas developed within the Movement was R. Guardinis questio_ of whether a “modern man” is still capable of cultic acts. This question shifted the issue of liturgical participation to the level of the subjects experiencing their involvement ir the ritual and opened the way to the idea of ritual change, aimed at eliminating possible discrepancies between the ritual form and this experience. From Rappaports perspec- tive, every religious-cultural system by its naturę constitutes an order based on conven- tion. Ritual, in turn, is the primary “tool” through which the fundamental conventions o:" a given system are constantly established and maintained, and this is achieved throug.- acls of acceptance that, in the communicalive space, are independent of the internal State s of its participants. The eflectiveness of this process depends, among other things, on the relative invariability of the rituals. From this point of view, the shift in focus to the subjec- tive abilities to experience participation in the liturgy should be regarded as a mistake: move, which instead of leading to the renewal of Christian civilization, could lead to— and, it seems, to some extent did lead to—a serious disruption or even destruction of its ritual foundations.
  • Słowa kluczowe w j. polskim:
    • cywilizacja chrześcijańska
    • konwencja
    • R.A. Rappa- port
    • reforma liturgiczna
    • ruch liturgiczny
    • rytuał
  • Struktura:
    • Wydział Filozoficzny
    • Instytut Kulturoznawstwa i Dziennikarstwa
  • Dyscyplina: nauki o kulturze i religii


  • 002 $a Idea zmiany obrzędowej w myśli ruchu liturgicznego w świetle koncepcji rytualnego ustanawiania konwencji R.A. Rappaporta
  • 003 $a TOMASZ DEKERT (Autor)
  • 003 $e 0000-0003-4404-5676
  • 003 $f Artur Górecki (Redaktor)
  • 003 $f Filip Ludwin (Redaktor)
  • 005 $a Rozdział w książce
  • 006 $a 299-328
  • 007 $a 1,25
  • 008 $a 8
  • 011 $b
  • 012 $a Stulecie próby odnowy cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej
  • 013 $a 2024
  • 014 $c Wydawnictwo Dębogóra
  • 015 $a Warszawa - Dębogóra
  • 017 $a 978-83-67316-65-1
  • 022 $a The aim of this article is to examine the beginnings and primary trajectories of the idea of ritual change in the thought of the Liturgical Movement from the perspee- tive of R.A. Rappaports concept of the ritual establishment of conventions. I assume, ł a premise, the assertion that representatives of the Movement saw in the revival of Cath: lic liturgical participation an opportunity for the inlernal renewal of Christian civilizatior_ In their view, the then-dominant model of the faithfuls participation in liturgy did no: allow them true involvement; they remained uninterested and unengaged speclators, an_ thus the liturgy did not exert a real formative and revitalizing influence on them. A sigm:' icanl moment for the ideas developed within the Movement was R. Guardinis questio_ of whether a “modern man” is still capable of cultic acts. This question shifted the issue of liturgical participation to the level of the subjects experiencing their involvement ir the ritual and opened the way to the idea of ritual change, aimed at eliminating possible discrepancies between the ritual form and this experience. From Rappaports perspec- tive, every religious-cultural system by its naturę constitutes an order based on conven- tion. Ritual, in turn, is the primary “tool” through which the fundamental conventions o:" a given system are constantly established and maintained, and this is achieved throug.- acls of acceptance that, in the communicalive space, are independent of the internal State s of its participants. The eflectiveness of this process depends, among other things, on the relative invariability of the rituals. From this point of view, the shift in focus to the subjec- tive abilities to experience participation in the liturgy should be regarded as a mistake: move, which instead of leading to the renewal of Christian civilization, could lead to— and, it seems, to some extent did lead to—a serious disruption or even destruction of its ritual foundations.
  • 023 $a cywilizacja chrześcijańska
  • 023 $a konwencja
  • 023 $a R.A. Rappa- port
  • 023 $a reforma liturgiczna
  • 023 $a ruch liturgiczny
  • 023 $a rytuał
  • 024 $a Christian civilization
  • 024 $a convention
  • 024 $a liturgical
  • 024 $a Liturgical Movement
  • 024 $a R.A. Rappaport
  • 024 $a reform
  • 024 $a ritual
  • 985 $a Wydział Filozoficzny
  • 985 $b Instytut Kulturoznawstwa i Dziennikarstwa
  • 999 $a nauki o kulturze i religii

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