Determinants of an Old Text in the Field of Pedagogy on the Example of Prawo dziecka do szacunku [A Child’s Right to Respect] by Janusz Korczak

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  • 002 a Determinants of an Old Text in the Field of Pedagogy on the Example of Prawo dziecka do szacunku [A Child’s Right to Respect] by Janusz Korczak
  • 003 b 0000-0002-4214-7268
  • 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
  • 006 a Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
  • 008 a 2021
  • 009 a 10
  • 012 a 2543-8409
  • 013 a 10.35765/mjse.2021.1020.10
  • 014 a
  • 015 a 187-197
  • 017 a angielski
  • 020 a The scientific aim of the article is to present the characteristics of an old text: Prawo dziecka do szacunku [A Child’s Right to Respect] by Janusz Korczak. The method adopted for the article is a semantic and structural analysis of the pedagogical book, in which the educator presented issues regarding key concepts of pedagogy, such as education, upbringing, and care. The pedagogy book under analysis does not fit into the contemporary framework of scientific language, but it still brings up-to-date findings on pedagogical practice. Janusz Korczak’s pedagogical texts should be obligatorily included in the reading canon of theoreticians and practitioners of education.
  • 966 a pedagogika
  • 985 a Wydział Pedagogiczny
  • 985 b Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu

Dublin Core


Sieradzka-Baziur_Determinants.pdf (145 KB)

  • Licencja: CC BY-ND 4.0
  • Wersja tekstu: Ostateczna opublikowana
  • Dostępność: Publiczny
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