"Self-tracking" jako zjawisko kulturowe wspierające procesy samopoznania

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  • Tytuł: "Self-tracking" jako zjawisko kulturowe wspierające procesy samopoznania
  • Autor/Autorzy: DANUTA SMOŁUCHA (Autor)
  • Nazwa czasopisma: Literatura i Kultura Popularna
  • Rok: 2020
  • ISSN: 0867-7441
  • DOI: 10.19195/0867-7441.26.24
  • Adres www:: https://wuwr.pl/lkp/article/view/13185
  • Strony od-do: 355-368
  • Język: polski
  • Abstrakt: The article analyses the popularity of self-tracking as one cultural phenomenon. The practice of tracking one’s activity and controlling life parameters is not new, but nowadays it has been popularised and entered into a group of new, cultural trends. This process is strongly related to the development of technology, the Internet of Things and mobile solutions. On the other hand, to outline the full picture of the phenomenon of self-tracking, it should be considered in different cultural contexts, taking into account social factors and current fashions and trends.
  • Dyscyplina: nauki o kulturze i religii


  • 002 a "Self-tracking" jako zjawisko kulturowe wspierające procesy samopoznania
  • 003 b 0000-0002-9610-997X
  • 003 a DANUTA SMOŁUCHA (Autor)
  • 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
  • 006 a Literatura i Kultura Popularna
  • 008 a 2020
  • 011 a 0867-7441
  • 013 a 10.19195/0867-7441.26.24
  • 014 a https://wuwr.pl/lkp/article/view/13185
  • 015 a 355-368
  • 017 a polski
  • 020 a The article analyses the popularity of self-tracking as one cultural phenomenon. The practice of tracking one’s activity and controlling life parameters is not new, but nowadays it has been popularised and entered into a group of new, cultural trends. This process is strongly related to the development of technology, the Internet of Things and mobile solutions. On the other hand, to outline the full picture of the phenomenon of self-tracking, it should be considered in different cultural contexts, taking into account social factors and current fashions and trends.
  • 966 a nauki o kulturze i religii
  • 985 a Wydział Filozoficzny
  • 985 b Instytut Kulturoznawstwa

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