Credibility and Creativity in Network Society
- Tytuł: Credibility and Creativity in Network Society
- Autor/Autorzy:
- Nazwa czasopisma: Creativity Studies
- Rok: 2020
- ISSN: 2345-0479
- DOI: 10.3846/cs.2020.6585
- Adres www::
- Strony od-do:
- 53-63
- 1
- Język: angielski
- Abstrakt: The authors of this article claim that the network society is organised around such flow of information in which each entity constitutes its specific centre. Through the network entities obtain information from other entities. The amount of information and the fact that it is difficult to verify it are the reasons why the issue of credibility plays the key role in such a society. Aiming at being credible within the network society involves various methods and techniques of making other entities acknowledge one’s credibility. In result credibility is strongly related to creativity. In the pragmatic sense, credibility becomes the objective of creativity. In the moral aspect creativity assumes credibility due to the need to shape a person (education and upbringing) in and by the society in such a way that they may become a creative entity, stimulate their creativity and use it through the interaction with other entities
- Dyscyplina:
- filozofia
- filozofia
- 002 a Credibility and Creativity in Network Society
- 003 b 0000-0001-9480-2730
- 003 b 0000-0002-6399-8133
- 003 a PIOTR DUCHLIŃSKI (Autor)
- 003 a PIOTR MAZUR (Autor)
- 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
- 006 a Creativity Studies
- 008 a 2020
- 011 a 2345-0479
- 013 a 10.3846/cs.2020.6585
- 014 a
- 015 a 53-63
- 016 a 1
- 017 a angielski
- 020 a The authors of this article claim that the network society is organised around such flow of information in which each entity constitutes its specific centre. Through the network entities obtain information from other entities. The amount of information and the fact that it is difficult to verify it are the reasons why the issue of credibility plays the key role in such a society. Aiming at being credible within the network society involves various methods and techniques of making other entities acknowledge one’s credibility. In result credibility is strongly related to creativity. In the pragmatic sense, credibility becomes the objective of creativity. In the moral aspect creativity assumes credibility due to the need to shape a person (education and upbringing) in and by the society in such a way that they may become a creative entity, stimulate their creativity and use it through the interaction with other entities
- 966 a filozofia
- 966 a filozofia
- 985 a Wydział Filozoficzny
- 985 b Instytut Filozofii
Dublin Core
- Tytuł: Credibility and Creativity in Network Society
- Autor (Twórca):
- Tytuł czasopisma : Creativity Studies
- Data: 2020
- Dyscyplina: filozofia
- Struktura:
- Język: angielski