Is Transhumanism the Solution to Euthanasia?
- Tytuł: Is Transhumanism the Solution to Euthanasia?
- Autor/Autorzy: ANNA BUGAJSKA (Autor)
- Nazwa czasopisma: Jahr – European Journal of Bioethics
- Rok: 2021
- ISSN: 1847-6376
- DOI: 10.21860/j.12.1.3
- Adres www::
- Strony od-do: 45-64
- Język: angielski
- Abstrakt:
- Članak se bavi pitanjem eutanazije u odnosu na nove tehnologije produženja života iindustriju dugovječnosti u filozofskom okviru transhumanizma. Rad započinjem ocrtavanjem slike istraživanja o poboljšanju čovjeka i njegove dugovječnosti, ukazujući na preliminarnu procjenu društvenog utjecaja tih istraživanja koju je izradio Jacobsen (2017.). Predstavljam besmrtnost kao specifičnu granu transhumanizma, koja dovodi do uspona postmortalnog društva utemeljenog na neohedonizmu i negativnom utilitarizmu: orijentiranom na potragu za užitkom i minimaliziranje patnje. Postavljam pitanje hoće li u postmortalnom društvu uopće postojati problem eutanazije. Da bih odgovorila na ovo pitanje, prvo ukratko predstavljam promjene u shvaćanju pojma dobre smrti; drugo, raspravljam o transhumanističkom pristupu eutanaziji i treće, ukazujem na izazove biopolitike smrti i umiranja u postmortalnom društvu. Rasprava o tim pitanjima dovodi do zaključka da problem eutanazije u postmortalnom društvu neće nestati, nego će se pogoršati zbog paradoksalne prirode transhumanističkog pristupa smrti, osobnoj slobodi, autonomiji i dostojanstvu
- The article concentrates on the question of euthanasia in relation to the emerging life-extension technologies and the immortality industry within the philosophical framework of transhumanism. I begin by sketching the picture of human enhancement and immortality research and industry and pointing to its preliminary assessment of social impact, drawn by Jacobsen (2017)1. I present immortalism as a specific branch of transhumanism, leading to the rise of postmortal society informed by neohedonism and negative utilitarianism: oriented towards the pursuit of pleasure and minimization of suffering. I ask the question if in the postmortal society the problem of euthanasia will exist. To answer this question, firstly, I briefly present the changes in understanding the notion of a good death; secondly, I discuss the transhumanist approach to euthanasia. And thirdly, I point to the challenges to the biopolitics of death and dying in the postmortal society. The discussion of these areas leads to the conclusion that the problem of euthanasia in the postmortal society will not disappear; rather, it will become more aggravated due to the paradoxical nature of the transhumanist approach to death, personal freedom, autonomy, and dignity.
- Dyscyplina: filozofia
- 002 a Is Transhumanism the Solution to Euthanasia?
- 003 b 0000-0001-6078-7405
- 003 a ANNA BUGAJSKA (Autor)
- 004 a Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
- 006 a Jahr – European Journal of Bioethics
- 008 a 2021
- 011 a 1847-6376
- 013 a 10.21860/j.12.1.3
- 014 a
- 015 a 45-64
- 017 a angielski
- 019 a Članak se bavi pitanjem eutanazije u odnosu na nove tehnologije produženja života iindustriju dugovječnosti u filozofskom okviru transhumanizma. Rad započinjem ocrtavanjem slike istraživanja o poboljšanju čovjeka i njegove dugovječnosti, ukazujući na preliminarnu procjenu društvenog utjecaja tih istraživanja koju je izradio Jacobsen (2017.). Predstavljam besmrtnost kao specifičnu granu transhumanizma, koja dovodi do uspona postmortalnog društva utemeljenog na neohedonizmu i negativnom utilitarizmu: orijentiranom na potragu za užitkom i minimaliziranje patnje. Postavljam pitanje hoće li u postmortalnom društvu uopće postojati problem eutanazije. Da bih odgovorila na ovo pitanje, prvo ukratko predstavljam promjene u shvaćanju pojma dobre smrti; drugo, raspravljam o transhumanističkom pristupu eutanaziji i treće, ukazujem na izazove biopolitike smrti i umiranja u postmortalnom društvu. Rasprava o tim pitanjima dovodi do zaključka da problem eutanazije u postmortalnom društvu neće nestati, nego će se pogoršati zbog paradoksalne prirode transhumanističkog pristupa smrti, osobnoj slobodi, autonomiji i dostojanstvu
- 020 a The article concentrates on the question of euthanasia in relation to the emerging life-extension technologies and the immortality industry within the philosophical framework of transhumanism. I begin by sketching the picture of human enhancement and immortality research and industry and pointing to its preliminary assessment of social impact, drawn by Jacobsen (2017)1. I present immortalism as a specific branch of transhumanism, leading to the rise of postmortal society informed by neohedonism and negative utilitarianism: oriented towards the pursuit of pleasure and minimization of suffering. I ask the question if in the postmortal society the problem of euthanasia will exist. To answer this question, firstly, I briefly present the changes in understanding the notion of a good death; secondly, I discuss the transhumanist approach to euthanasia. And thirdly, I point to the challenges to the biopolitics of death and dying in the postmortal society. The discussion of these areas leads to the conclusion that the problem of euthanasia in the postmortal society will not disappear; rather, it will become more aggravated due to the paradoxical nature of the transhumanist approach to death, personal freedom, autonomy, and dignity.
- 966 a filozofia
- 985 a Wydział Pedagogiczny
- 985 b Instytut Neofilologii
Dublin Core
- Tytuł: Is Transhumanism the Solution to Euthanasia?
- Autor (Twórca): ANNA BUGAJSKA (Autor)
- Tytuł czasopisma : Jahr – European Journal of Bioethics
- Data: 2021
- Dyscyplina: filozofia
- Struktura:
- Język: angielski