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Znaleziono 891 rekordów
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MiniaturaTytuł ▲ (rosnąco)Autor (Twórca)KolekcjaData
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The Concept of the Border in the Polish Consciousness and its Impact on the Culture and Identity of the Central and Eastern Europe in the Modern PeriodJANUSZ SMOŁUCHA (Autor)artykuły 2023
Brak miniaturyThe Development of Digital Humanities in Poland as an Opportunity for New Research PerspectivesDANUTA SMOŁUCHA (Autor)artykuły 2023
Przejdź do zbioru
The Dialectical Principle of Charity A Procedure for a Critical DiscussionJAKUB PRUŚ (Autor); PIOTR SIKORA (Autor)artykuły 2023
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The European Right to Social and Medical AssistanceANDRZEJ ŚWIĄTKOWSKI (Autor)artykuły 2023
Przejdź do zbioru
The fourth industrial revolution and its electronic employment technologies. The challenges of employment in the digital ageANDRZEJ ŚWIĄTKOWSKI (Autor)artykuły 2023
Brak miniaturyThe freedom of speech and the protection of religious feelings: the case of Dorota Rabczewska – comparative analysisTOMASZ LITWIN (Autor) rozdziały2023
Brak miniaturyThe Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Teutonic Order during the reign of VytenisYANINA RYIER (Autor) rozdziały2023
Brak miniaturyThe impact of ICT on Shaping Reflexes and Manual Coordination in Children and Teenagers: Pupils’ and Teachers’ OpinionsEunika Baron-Polańczykartykuły 2023
Brak miniaturyThe Importance of Feedback in Improving Students’ Writing Skills with the Assistance of New TechnologiesBarbara Szlachta; Izabela Bieńkowska; Krzysztof Polokartykuły 2023
Przejdź do zbioru
The Importance of Organisational Culture in a Multicultural Work Environment - a Preliminary Study. The Perspective of Managers from Selected European CountriesAGNIESZKA KNAP-STEFANIUK (Autor); Beata Domańska-Szaruga (Autor)artykuły 2023
Brak miniaturyThe Influence of Eastern and Western Cultures on KiritimatiDARIUSZ ZDZIECH (Autor) rozdziały2023
Przejdź do zbioru
The Influence of Religiosity and Spirituality on the Quality of Life of Patients With Multiple MyelomaArtur Jurczyszyn (Autor); JACEK PRUSAK (Autor); Jakub Wasiewicz (Autor); Marlena Leśniak (Autor); Weronika Lebowa (Autor)artykuły 2023
Przejdź do zbioru
The Memory of the Great War in Two Books for Children – Polish and English PerspectivesKRYSTYNA ZABAWA (Autor)artykuły 2023
Brak miniaturyThe Memory of the Great War in Two Books for Children – Polish and English PerspectivesKRYSTYNA ZABAWA (Autor)artykuły 2023
Przejdź do zbioru
The Origins of the Jesuit Authority and Influence at the Court of Emperors Wanli (1572–1620), Shunzi (1644–1661) and Kangxi (1661–1722) and in the Wider Circles of the Chinese Society in the Light of the Works of Thomas Szpot Dunin (1644–1713)ANDRZEJ WADAS (Autor)artykuły 2023
Przejdź do zbioru
The Pilgrim’s Identity in Liquid ModernityJ ózef Bremerartykuły 2023
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The Pilgrim's Identity in Liquid ModernityJÓZEF BREMER (Autor)artykuły 2023
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The Relationship Between the Harmonious Passion Development and the Human Integral Development: Educational Perspective in BriefMARIA SZYMAŃSKA (Autor)artykuły 2023
Przejdź do zbioru
The Self and the Other, or Christian Knignts and Pagan Lithuanians in the Chronicles of the Teutonic Order from the Fourteenth CenturyYANINA RYIER (Autor)artykuły 2023
Przejdź do zbioru
The skills members of multicultural teams need to succeed in Industry 5.0 – the opinion of managers from Portugal, France, and Greece0000-0002-9201-9889; AGNIESZKA KNAP-STEFANIUK (Autor)materiały pokonferencyjne2023
Znaleziono 891 rekordów