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Znaleziono 503 rekordy
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MiniaturaTytułAutor (Twórca)KolekcjaData ▼ (malejąco)
Brak miniaturyTo the issue of the phenomenon of "God's punishment" of pagans of Lithuania for their attacks on the Christian lands of the Teutonic Order in the Order Chronicles of the 14th centuryYANINA RYIER (Autor)artykuły 2020
Przejdź do zbioru
About the terms concerning the ruler and the state in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the epoch of Mindaugas' reignYANINA RYIER (Autor)artykuły 2020
Brak miniaturyПравитель и общество на белорусских землях в XIII – первой трети XV в.: основные механизмы политогенеза, легитимизации и сакрализации властиYANINA RYIER (Autor)monografie2020
Znaleziono 503 rekordy