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Phase 1–3 of the cross-cultural development of an EORTC questionnaire for the assessment of sexual health in cancer patients: the EORTC SHQ-22Andy Nordin (Autor); Anna Costantini (Autor); Anne Lanceley (Autor); Anne Oberguggenberger (Autor); Carien Creutzberg (Autor); Chie Wei-Chu (Autor); Claudia Schmalz (Autor); Dimitrios Kardamakis (Autor); Elfriede Greimel (Autor); Elisabeth Inwald (Autor); Eva Nagele (Autor); Juan Arraras (Autor); Karin Kuljanic (Autor); Krzysztof Tomaszewski (Autor); Sara Dehandschutter (Autor); Thierry Almont (Autor); Zoe Winters (Autor)artykuły 2018
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