The Emergence of the Scholastic Attitude Towards Philosophy in Greek Patristic Thought
- Title: The Emergence of the Scholastic Attitude Towards Philosophy in Greek Patristic Thought
- Author:
- 0000-0002-1556-5448
- Access date: 39-64
- Tytuł monografii: Eastern Christian Approaches to Philosophy
- Wydawca: Palgrave Macmillan
- Rok wydania: 2022
- Miejsce wydania: Cham
- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10762-7_3
- URL:
- Abstract in English: Anna Zhyrkova challenges the conventional narrative that often pits a rational Christian West against a mystical Christian East. She does so by showing that the Scholastic stance towards the relationship between philosophy and theology was already at work informing the Christological debates of the sixth century that took place in the Eastern part of Christendom. Specifically, she demonstrates that the distinctive features of Scholastic philosophy can be found in the writings of figures like John the Grammarian, Leontius of Byzantium, and Leontius of Jerusalem. Through a careful examination of how they appropriated Neoplatonic and Stoic philosophical concepts to address Christology, she not only provides historical justification for the project of Eastern Christian philosophy but provides an insightful look at how ancient Eastern Christians creatively engaged with the intelligentsia of their day to develop original solutions to pressing problems.
- Structure:
- Wydział Filozoficzny
- Instytut Filozofii
- Dyscyplina: filozofia
- 002 a The Emergence of the Scholastic Attitude Towards Philosophy in Greek Patristic Thought
- 003 a ANNA ZHYRKOVA (Autor)
- 003 e 0000-0002-1556-5448
- 003 f James Siemens (Redaktor)
- 003 f Joshua Brown (Redaktor)
- 005 a Rozdział w książce
- 006 a 39-64
- 008 a Część I (2)
- 010 a 10.1007/978-3-031-10762-7_3
- 011 b
- 012 a Eastern Christian Approaches to Philosophy
- 013 a 2022
- 014 c Palgrave Macmillan
- 015 a Cham
- 017 a 978-3-031-10761-0
- 022 a Anna Zhyrkova challenges the conventional narrative that often pits a rational Christian West against a mystical Christian East. She does so by showing that the Scholastic stance towards the relationship between philosophy and theology was already at work informing the Christological debates of the sixth century that took place in the Eastern part of Christendom. Specifically, she demonstrates that the distinctive features of Scholastic philosophy can be found in the writings of figures like John the Grammarian, Leontius of Byzantium, and Leontius of Jerusalem. Through a careful examination of how they appropriated Neoplatonic and Stoic philosophical concepts to address Christology, she not only provides historical justification for the project of Eastern Christian philosophy but provides an insightful look at how ancient Eastern Christians creatively engaged with the intelligentsia of their day to develop original solutions to pressing problems.
- 985 a Wydział Filozoficzny
- 985 b Instytut Filozofii
- 999 a filozofia
Dublin Core
- Title: The Emergence of the Scholastic Attitude Towards Philosophy in Greek Patristic Thought
- Author: ANNA ZHYRKOVA (Autor)
- Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
- ISBN: 978-3-031-10761-0
- Date: 2022
- Place: Cham
- Discipline: filozofia
- Structure:
- URL: