Murdoch and Bergqvist on Moral Vision in Ethics
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- chapter in monograph
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- Title: Murdoch and Bergqvist on Moral Vision in Ethics
- Author:
- 0000-0003-0331-3179
- Access date: 147-163
- Tytuł monografii: Zrozumieć postrzeganie i pojmowanie człowieka oraz świata. Prace dedykowane Profesorowi Józefowi Bremerowi SJ z okazji 70-lecia urodzin
- Wydawca: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Rok wydania: 2023
- Miejsce wydania: Kraków
- URL:
- Abstract in English: When discussing ideas about relational self-cultivation and evaluative realism in relation to the work of Iris Murdoch, Anna Bergqvist has sought to defend the writer's distinctive conception of the role of "moral vision" in the ethics of human relationships from a potentially troubling accusation, which is that it commits us - all speculation on Murdoch's endorsement of Platonism aside - to a form of constitutive moral perspectivism that offers no plausible resistance to moral relativism. Drawing on late-Wittgensteinian ideas about the distinctive character of holistic forms of non-epistemic commitment and their relationship to temporality and contingency found in On Certainty, I argue that Bergqvist's approach offers no reason to dismiss such concerns.
- Structure:
- Wydział Filozoficzny
- Instytut Filozofii
- Dyscyplina: filozofia
- 002 $a Murdoch and Bergqvist on Moral Vision in Ethics
- 003 $a CARL HUMPHRIES (Autor)
- 003 $e 0000-0003-0331-3179
- 003 $f ADAM JONKISZ (Redaktor)
- 003 $f JACEK POZNAŃSKI (Redaktor)
- 003 $f Jolanta Koszteyn (Redaktor)
- 005 $a Rozdział w książce
- 005 $b Rozdział monografii/rozdział książki
- 006 $a 147-163
- 008 $a Cz. II, 1 (2)
- 009 $a angielski
- 011 $b
- 012 $a Zrozumieć postrzeganie i pojmowanie człowieka oraz świata. Prace dedykowane Profesorowi Józefowi Bremerowi SJ z okazji 70-lecia urodzin
- 013 $a 2023
- 014 $c Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- 015 $a Kraków
- 017 $a 978-83-7614-557-0
- 022 $a When discussing ideas about relational self-cultivation and evaluative realism in relation to the work of Iris Murdoch, Anna Bergqvist has sought to defend the writer's distinctive conception of the role of "moral vision" in the ethics of human relationships from a potentially troubling accusation, which is that it commits us - all speculation on Murdoch's endorsement of Platonism aside - to a form of constitutive moral perspectivism that offers no plausible resistance to moral relativism. Drawing on late-Wittgensteinian ideas about the distinctive character of holistic forms of non-epistemic commitment and their relationship to temporality and contingency found in On Certainty, I argue that Bergqvist's approach offers no reason to dismiss such concerns.
- 985 $a Wydział Filozoficzny
- 985 $b Instytut Filozofii
- 999 $a filozofia
Dublin Core
- Title: Murdoch and Bergqvist on Moral Vision in Ethics
- Author: CARL HUMPHRIES (Autor)
- Publisher: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- ISBN: 978-83-7614-557-0
- Date: 2023
- Place: Kraków
- Discipline: filozofia
- Structure:
- Language: angielski
- URL:
2023_red_Zrozumiec_postrzeganie....pdf (15.6 MB)
- Licence: Licencja Repozytorium
- Text version: Final published
- Availability: Published
- Available from: 2024-02-29 00:00:00 +0100