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Childhood and Youth of Adrienne von Speyr (1902–1967): A Case Study of GiftednessPAWEŁ KAŹMIERCZAK (Autor)Article2022
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The world of data : a few words about the visualization of informationDANUTA SMOŁUCHA (Autor)Article2017
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Education Through Nature and With Nature as the Source of a Childs Resilience The Educational and Healing Context of a ForestANNA BŁASIAK (Autor)Article2022
No thumbnailWomen of Power : The Image of the Witch and Feminist Movements in PolandADAM ANCZYK (Autor); Joanna Malita-Król (Autor)Article2017
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Historia życia uczonego i środowiska naukowegoWŁADYSŁAWA SZULAKIEWICZ (Autor)Article2023
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Influencer – media novi hominemMIROSŁAW LAKOMY (Autor)Article2022
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Histrionical Blurriness. A God Image Without FeaturesAGNIESZKA KRZYSZTOF-ŚWIDERSKA (Autor)Article2022
No thumbnailОсвітній вимір функціонування медіа : приклад "Радіо ВатикануLESZEK GĘSIAK (Autor)Article2018
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Antonina Domańska i „nurty dziewiętnastowieczności” ([Re]konstrukcje przeszłości w prozie Antoniny Domańskiej, red. M. Chrobak, K. Wądolny-Tatar, Kraków 2019)KRYSTYNA ZABAWA (Autor)Article2022
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Mitologia Czwartej władzy Stevena A. SpielbergaMATEUSZ NIEĆ (Autor)Article2023
No thumbnailWhat does it actually mean that Premotor Theory is about embodied attention?JACEK BIELAS (Autor); ŁUKASZ MICHALCZYK (Autor)Article2022
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E-administracja – doświadczenia samorządu regionalnego w budowie systemu informatycznego – studium przypadkuHubert Guz (Autor)Article2022
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Seniors during the COVID-19 pandemicANNA SEREDYŃSKA (Autor)Article2022
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Sociodemographic and Psychological Variables and Concerns Related to COVID-19 Vaccination among Polish CitizensESTERA TWARDOWSKA-STASZEK (Autor); IRMINA ROSTEK (Autor); KRZYSZTOF BIEL (Autor)Article2022
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Supportive Delegated and Common Dyadic Coping Mediates the Association between Adult Attachment Representation and Relationship Satisfaction A Dyadic ApproachAnna Wendołowska (Autor); Dorota Czyżowska (Autor); MAŁGORZATA STEĆ (Autor)Article2022
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Multiculturalism as a Challenge for Contemporary Leadership – an Analysis within the Context of Hotel Management in the 21 st CenturyAGNIESZKA KNAP-STEFANIUK (Autor); ŁUKASZ BURKIEWICZ (Autor)Article2022
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The Relationship Between Meaning in Life Life Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction with Religious Experience in the Life of Polish NursesSTANISŁAW GŁAZ (Autor)Article2022
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"Nie skurwiłeś się ani na cal". Wolność i posiadanie w epistolografii Andrzeja BobkowskiegoJÓZEF RUSZAR (Autor)Article2016
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Religious Experience as a Predictor of the Meaning in Life and Life Satisfaction in the Lives of Polish Women after a StillbirthSTANISŁAW GŁAZ (Autor)Article2022
No thumbnail„Bramy rany” i trywialna apokalipsa. Liryka – poetyka – religiaJÓZEF RUSZAR (Autor)Article2022
4370 records found