Search Results
Development of “working-from-home economy” in municipal sector
- Collection: Post-conference articles
- Title: Development of “working-from-home economy” in municipal sector
- Author:
- Conference: 15th International Scientific Conference: European Forumof Entrepreneurship 2022, “Coronavirus Pandemic Effects on the Economy in 2022: A Challenge or New Opportunities?
- Date: 2022
Leadership In Managing Multicultural Teams - Analysis of the Views of Polish and Portuguese Managers
- Collection: Post-conference articles
- Title: Leadership In Managing Multicultural Teams - Analysis of the Views of Polish and Portuguese Managers
- Author:
- Conference: 39th International Business Information Management Association
- Date: 2022
The Role and Significance of Intercultural Competence in The Work of Contemporary Managers. Polish Managers’ Opinion
- Collection: Post-conference articles
- Title: The Role and Significance of Intercultural Competence in The Work of Contemporary Managers. Polish Managers’ Opinion
- Author:
- Conference: 38th International Business Information Management Association Conference
- Date: 2021
The Role and Importance of Cultural Intelligence and Its Components In A Multicultural Environment in The Opinion of Managers From Poland, Spain, Czechia and Italy
- Collection: Post-conference articles
- Title: The Role and Importance of Cultural Intelligence and Its Components In A Multicultural Environment in The Opinion of Managers From Poland, Spain, Czechia and Italy
- Author:
- Conference: 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference
- Date: 2021
Values Professed by Managers Working in A Multicultural Work Environment (Analysis of The Results of a Preliminary Study Conducted Among the Polish, Spanish And Czech Managers)
- Collection: Post-conference articles
- Title: Values Professed by Managers Working in A Multicultural Work Environment (Analysis of The Results of a Preliminary Study Conducted Among the Polish, Spanish And Czech Managers)
- Author:
- Conference: 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference
- Date: 2021
- Collection: Post-conference articles
- Author:
- Conference: International Scientific Conference SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION
- Date: 2018
Competnencies of Contemporary Managers in The Public Administration Sector in Intercultural Management: Introduction To Research
- Collection: Post-conference articles
- Title: Competnencies of Contemporary Managers in The Public Administration Sector in Intercultural Management: Introduction To Research
- Author:
- Conference: 38th International Business Information Management Association Conference
- Date: 2021
The skills members of multicultural teams need to succeed in Industry 5.0 – the opinion of managers from Portugal, France, and Greece
- Collection: Post-conference articles
- Title: The skills members of multicultural teams need to succeed in Industry 5.0 – the opinion of managers from Portugal, France, and Greece
- Author:
- Conference: 27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
- Date: 2023
Bullying i cyberbullying wśród dzieci i młodzieży. Analiza porównawcza wyników badań prowadzonych w Polsce i Hiszpanii. Wyzwania dla profilaktyki
- Collection: Article
- Title: Bullying i cyberbullying wśród dzieci i młodzieży. Analiza porównawcza wyników badań prowadzonych w Polsce i Hiszpanii. Wyzwania dla profilaktyki
- Year: 2019
- Journal name: Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
What Morality and Religion have in Common with Health? Pedagogy of Religion in the Formation of Moral Competence
- Collection: Article
- Title: What Morality and Religion have in Common with Health? Pedagogy of Religion in the Formation of Moral Competence
- Author:
- Year: 2021
Educating female preschool teachers on the territory of Poland in the 19™ century and the first half of the 20™ century. An outline ofthe problem
- Collection: Article
- Title: Educating female preschool teachers on the territory of Poland in the 19™ century and the first half of the 20™ century. An outline ofthe problem
- Year: 2018
- Journal name: Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy
"The Flyting of Dumbar and Kennedie" as an Inverted Litany: The Scottish Perspective on a Poetic Agon = "The Flyting of Dumbar and Kennedie" jako litania na opak: szkockie spojrzenie na kwestię poetyckiego agonu
- Collection: Article
- Title: "The Flyting of Dumbar and Kennedie" as an Inverted Litany: The Scottish Perspective on a Poetic Agon = "The Flyting of Dumbar and Kennedie" jako litania na opak: szkockie spojrzenie na kwestię poetyckiego agonu
- Year: 2020
- Journal name: Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo [PFLIT]
Christianity as an inspiration for the pedagogical sicences
- Collection: Article
- Title: Christianity as an inspiration for the pedagogical sicences
- Author:
- Year: 2019
- Journal name: Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Pedagogika
Niskocząsteczkowe inhibitory zależnego od PERK szlaku sygnalizacyjnego adaptacyjnej odpowiedzi na stres w celowanej terapii raka jelita grubego: Small-molecule inhibitors of the PERK-mediated Unfolded Protein Response signaling pathway in targeted therapy for colorectal cancer
- Collection: Article
- Title: Niskocząsteczkowe inhibitory zależnego od PERK szlaku sygnalizacyjnego adaptacyjnej odpowiedzi na stres w celowanej terapii raka jelita grubego: Small-molecule inhibitors of the PERK-mediated Unfolded Protein Response signaling pathway in targeted therapy for colorectal cancer
- Author:
- Year: 2022
- Journal name: Polish Journal of Surgery
In Vitro and In Silico Studies on Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br. Root Extract against Cancer Cells
- Collection: Article
- Title: In Vitro and In Silico Studies on Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br. Root Extract against Cancer Cells
- Author:
- Year: 2022
Koncepcja integralnego rozwoju osoby według Karola Wojtyły kluczem do rozumienia dramatu moralnego człowieka = Karol Wojtyła’s concept of integral development of a person - the key in understanding moral drama of a man
- Collection: Article
- Title: Koncepcja integralnego rozwoju osoby według Karola Wojtyły kluczem do rozumienia dramatu moralnego człowieka = Karol Wojtyła’s concept of integral development of a person - the key in understanding moral drama of a man
- Author: MARIA SZYMAŃSKA (Autor)
- Year: 2018
- Journal name: Kultura-Media-Teologia
Connective Learning as Teachers Approach to Ones Own Professional Development The Case of Poland
- Collection: Article
- Title: Connective Learning as Teachers Approach to Ones Own Professional Development The Case of Poland
- Author:
- Year: 2022
- Journal name: Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
Edukacja naukowa oparta na dociekaniu (IBSE – Inquiry-Based Science Education ) oraz STEAM w przedszkolu a zrównoważony rozwój
- Collection: Article
- Title: Edukacja naukowa oparta na dociekaniu (IBSE – Inquiry-Based Science Education ) oraz STEAM w przedszkolu a zrównoważony rozwój
- Author: BARBARA SURMA (Autor)
- Year: 2021
- Journal name: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce
Specyfika korzystania z Internetu przez młodzież słyszącą i z uszkodzonym słuchem - raport z badań
- Collection: Article
- Title: Specyfika korzystania z Internetu przez młodzież słyszącą i z uszkodzonym słuchem - raport z badań
- Author:
- Year: 2022
- Journal name: Colloquium
Failed Attempt to Break Up the Oligopoly in Sovereign Credit Rating Market after Financial Crises
- Collection: Article
- Title: Failed Attempt to Break Up the Oligopoly in Sovereign Credit Rating Market after Financial Crises
- Author: ALICIJA MALEVSKA (Autor)
- Year: 2021
- Journal name: Contemporary Economics
Viewed records 1-20 from 1001