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4370 records found
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No thumbnailActivity and Needs of Seniors : Research Report in ChorzówPIOTR GIEREK (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailAdam Smith, Commercial Society and the Challenges of RepublicanismRAFAŁ LIS (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailAdoption of a child by homosexuals in light of the best interests of the child principle in accordance with its understanding in Polish family law : subjective interpretation of the authorMARTA PRUCNAL-WÓJCIK (Autor)Article2017
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The Marriage from the Perspective of Political PhilosophyPIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2019
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Teachers of the Jesuit School in Chyrów as represented in diarist literatureBEATA TOPIJ-STEMPIŃSKA (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailTeoria wczucia Edyty Stein w świetle neurobiologiiPIOTR JANIK (Autor)Article2018
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Teorie prawdy : klasyczna, korespondencyjna i semantyczna - próba uściślenia relacjiJAKUB PRUŚ (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailAggressiveness and the intensity of psychopathic symptoms - gender differencesJózef Gierowski (Autor); KRZYSZTOF NOWAKOWSKI (Autor); Marlena Banasik (Autor)Article2017
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Ambrogio Contarini i jego podróż na Wschód : okoliczności nawiązania kontaktów dyplomatycznych przez Wenecję i Polskę z Persją w drugiej połowie XV wiekuJANUSZ SMOŁUCHA (Autor)Article2017
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Amoenus versus horridus : "W kleszczach lęku" w świetle konwencji sielankowejSYLWIA WOJCIECHOWSKA (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailAn international study to revise the EORTC questionnaire for assessing quality of life in lung cancer patientsAndrew Bottomley (Autor); Annelies Janssens (Autor); Anton Harle (Autor); Ayje Himpel (Autor); Carlo Pompili (Autor); Charles Johnson (Autor); Chiara Navarra (Autor); Christian Schulz (Autor); Dagmara Kuliś (Autor); George Ioannidis (Autor); Iwona Maria Tomaszewska (Autor); Juan Arraras (Autor); Kjersti Hornslien (Autor); Krzysztof Tomaszewski (Autor); Marianne Hjermstad (Autor); Michael Koller (Autor); Myria Georgiou (Autor); Orly Morag (Autor); Thomas Bohrer (Autor); Wei-Chu Chie (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailAn outline of Latin culture in Cyprus in the period of Franko-Venetian dominance on the island (1191-1571)ŁUKASZ BURKIEWICZ (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailAnatomical variations of the inferior thyroid artery : a cadaveric examination = Warianty anatomiczne tętnicy tarczowej dolnej : badanie anatomiczneBeatrice Sanna (Autor); Brandon Henry (Autor); Dominik Taterra (Autor); EWA KUCHARSKA (Autor); Jerzy Walocha (Autor); Karolina Witczak (Autor); Krzysztof Tomaszewski (Autor); Marcin Barczyński (Autor); Matthew Graves (Autor); Przemysław A. Pękala (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailAntropologiczne uwarunkowania zła specyficznie ludzkiego : namiętności we wczesnej Ricoeurowskiej filozofii woliROBERT GRZYWACZ (Autor)Article2017
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The 1926 Amendment of the March Constitution as an Example of Rivalry Between The Sejm and SenateTOMASZ LITWIN (Autor)Article2018
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The assertiveness in the process of transformation of identity in multicultural marriagesEWA SOWA-BEHTANE (Autor)Article2018
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The Miaphysite and Neo-Chalcedonian Approaches to Understanding the Nature of the Individual Entity: Particular Essence vs. En-Hypostasized EssenceANNA ZHYRKOVA (Autor)Article2019
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The creativity of Polish Native Believers on the Internet. The Rodzima Wiara religious organization’s official online mediaKATARZYNA DARAŻ-DUDA (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailThe Motivation for Facebook Use - Is it a Matter of Bonding or Control Over Others? : Evidence From a Cross-Cultural StudyAntonio Pace (Autor); Augusto Gnisci (Autor); Bernd Lachmann (Autor); Cecilia Cheng (Autor); Christian Montag (Autor); Demet Toraman (Autor); Ida Sergi (Autor); Katarzyna Kaliszewska-Czeremska (Autor); Mattis Geiger (Autor); Rayna Sariyska (Autor); Songfa Zhong (Autor); Stéphanie Laconi (Autor)Article2019
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The Polish Church and the “Thaw” of 1956MICHAŁ WENKLAR (Autor)Article2019
4370 records found