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The Problem of the Status of Harmony in Pythagorean PhilosophyPIOTR ŚWIERCZ (Autor)Article2019
No thumbnailAspekty Wspólnej Polityki Zagranicznej i Bezpieczeństwa Unii EuropejskiejWitold Mazurek (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailAttitudes of psychotherapists towards pharmacotherapy in the course of psychotherapyAnna Król-Kuczkowska (Autor); Krystyna Sosnowska (Autor); Marcin Jabłoński (Autor); Renata Moraczewska (Autor); Sławomir Murawiec (Autor); Wojciech Datka (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailAutorytet i jego struktura aksjologicznaANDRZEJ DE TCHORZEWSKI (Autor)Article2017
No thumbnailThe digital generation of children and adolescents in face of internet dangersBARBARA ADAMCZYK (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailThe EORTC CAT Core : the computer adaptive version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaireAnna Costantini (Autor); Bernhard Holzner (Autor); Colin Johnson (Autor); Esther Habets (Autor); Eva Hammerlid (Autor); Eva-Maria Gamper (Autor); Galina Velikova (Autor); Georg Kemmler (Autor); Irma Verdonck-de Leeuw (Autor); Jaap Reijneveld (Autor); Johannes Giesinger (Autor); Jon Loge (Autor); Jorunn Helbostad (Autor); Juan Arraras (Autor); Krzysztof Tomaszewski (Autor); Linda Dirven (Autor); Lise Thamsborg (Autor); Madeleine King (Autor); Marianne Hjermstad (Autor); Martin Taphoorn (Autor); Mogens Groenvold (Autor); Morten Petersen (Autor); Neil Aaronson (Autor); Peter Fayers (Autor); Stein Kaasa (Autor); Susanne Singer (Autor); Teresa Young (Autor); Thierry Conroy (Autor); Wei-Chu Chie (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailThe Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale-2 in a French sample: Psychometric evaluation of the theoretical modelCh. Habrol (Autor); D.J. Kuss (Autor); Katarzyna Kaliszewska-Czeremska (Autor); N. Tricard (Autor); Stephanie Laconi (Autor)Article2018
No thumbnailThe Jesuits as the body of teachers and the body of students in the Russian empire 1773–1820ANDRZEJ BIEŚ (Autor)Article2018
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No thumbnailThe Polish adaptation of the Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (ECBQ) : Psychometric properties, age and gender differences and convergence between the questionnaire and the observational dataArkadiusz Białek (Autor); IRMINA ROSTEK (Autor); Małgorzata Stępień-Nycz (Autor); Marta Białecka-Pikul (Autor)Article2018
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The relationship of forgiveness and values with meaning in life of Polish studentsSTANISŁAW GŁAZ (Autor)Article2019
No thumbnailThe Replication Crisis and Qualitative Research in the Psychology of ReligionADAM ANCZYK (Autor); AGNIESZKA KRZYSZTOF-ŚWIDERSKA (Autor); HALINA GRZYMAŁA-MOSZCZYŃSKA (Autor); Jacek Prusak (Autor)Article2019
No thumbnailAutorytet w teorii i praktyce towarzyszenia wychowawczegoZBIGNIEW MAREK (Autor)Article2017
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The social employee in interaction with terminally ill patientEWA KUCHARSKA (Autor)Article2019
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The relationship between the culture and social life of a nation in Sylwester Ambroziak’s art project entitled “Mama, I’m coming home” The problem of Euro-orphanhoodMONIKA KOWALCZYK (Autor)Article2018
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Theologia controversa in the 16th c. Jesuit schools of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as a tool of the Counter ReformationJUSTYNA ŁUKASZEWSKA-HABERKO (Autor)Article2019
No thumbnailThe Role of Leadership in Contemporary Organizations as a Challenge in the 21st CenturyAGNIESZKA KNAP-STEFANIUK (Autor); Wioleta Karna (Autor)Article2018
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Tomistyczna metafizyka relacji na nowo odczytana (rec.: Ks. Tomasz Duma. Metafizyka relacji. U podstaw rozumienia relacji bytowych)PIOTR DUCHLIŃSKI (Autor)Article2019
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Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Cooperation between Early Education Teachers and the Family EnvironmentIRENA PULAK (Autor); KATARZYNA SZEWCZUK (Autor); MARTYNA SZCZOTKA (Autor)Article2018
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Tomorrow’s Kin : Intergenerational Solidarity after The GenomeANNA BUGAJSKA (Autor)Article2018
4370 records found